The Military Child Education Coalition awarded Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) with the Pete Taylor Partnership of Excellence Award. The award honors the “PWCS Goes Purple” initiative for collaborating to build successful partnerships between schools and the Marine Corps Base Quantico (MCBQ) to the benefit of military connected K-12 students.
By “Going Purple,” our division is showing our commitment to helping military-connected students have a smooth transition and a continuum of support while in PWCS,” said Dr. Dominique James, military achievement specialist in the PWCS Office of Student Services and Post-Secondary Success. “As a Purple school division, military-connected parents can be assured that our educators, administrators, and support staff are aware of the unique needs of military-connected students.”
Going Purple as a division supports the Strategic Plan by fostering positive relationships between families, schools, and communities. The Strategic Plan outlines a commitment to our 6,400 military dependent students by adding dedicated military family connection support to the Office of Student Services and Post-Secondary Success with the addition of a full-time military achievement specialist.
"’PWCS Goes Purple’ will ensure that all schools understand the needs of the military-connected community and are partnering with local military installations to meet the needs of their military-connected children,” said James. “As we continue to increase our Purple Star School designations within PWCS, we are actively showing our efforts to not only welcome but to celebrate our military-connected families.”