School Board members are invited to attend special events, including professional development sessions, for July. As many as three or more School Board members may attend any or all of the events listed below. Members of the media may contact Meghan Silas, administrative coordinator for media relations, at [email protected] for names of School Board members who plan to attend specific events.

Members of the public and news media are encouraged to review this message frequently to check for updates.

Tuesday, July 9
Interviews for the Position of Clerk of the School Board
Kelly Leadership Center
3 p.m.

Saturday, July 20
Annual Community Outreach Picnic Extravaganza
Dale City Christian Church
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Tuesday, July 30
PWCS Summer Graduation
Hylton Performing Arts Center
Manassas, VA
4-8 p.m.

Wednesday July 31
Summer Internship Reception
Brentsville District High School
2-4 p.m.