Elementary Music

General Music (Grades K-5)

In PWCS, K-5 music instruction is crafted to establish a solid foundation in musical understanding, creating a pathway for future music education. Beginning in kindergarten, students are introduced to the creative processes behind developing musical ideas, with emphasis on acquiring fundamental musical knowledge and skills through singing, playing instruments, listening, and movement. As they progress through the grades, students not only build on these basics but also delve into more complex musical concepts, such as reading and composing music with intricate rhythms and meters. The curriculum encourages the exploration of various music styles and fosters the ability to analyze and describe musical performances. This comprehensive approach ensures that students develop a deep appreciation for music, while also honing their creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking skills – key attributes that will serve them well throughout their educational journey and beyond.

General Music Curriculum


The standards for kindergarten general music serve as the foundation for musical understanding and provide a pathway to future music instruction. Students come to understand that music ideas are developed through a creative process. Emphasis is placed on acquiring basic musical knowledge, skills, and understanding through singing, playing instruments, listening, and moving. Students identify people who create music and examine how music is a part of personal and community events. Students examine the value of working and sharing creative ideas within a group, and recognize and express personal responses evoked by musical experiences.

Kindergarten students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2020 Visual Arts Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:

Quarter 1

Unit: Introduction

This unit was designed to target the early stages of a kindergarten student’s journey in general music. The understandings in this unit (types of voice, steady beat, instrument exploration, and both non-locomotor and locomotor movement) are presented at the introductory level with the expectation that they will continue to be integrated throughout the year. A general idea of musical opposites (fast/slow, high/low, loud/soft, sound/silence, and same/different) is provided during this unit with further exploration of each musical opposite in subsequent units.

Standards: K.3 a, b, c; K.13 a, b, c, d; K.14 a, b, c; K16; K.17 a, b

Unit 2: Musical Connection

This unit is designed to help students connect with music in a variety of ways. Students will explore music across genres, cultures, and history (patriotic music, times/places) and make connections between music and oneself, others, and community.

Standards: K.4; K.5; K.6 a, b; K.7; K.9; K.11

Quarter 2

Unit 3: Expression

This unit is designed to help students connect music to personal feelings, emotions/moods, and experiences. Expressive qualities in music (loud/soft and fast/slow) are further explored in this unit through the concept of musical opposites.

Standards: K.2 a, b, c; K.3 a, b, c; K.4; K.13 a, b, c, d; K.14 a, b, c

Unit 4: Rhythmic Literacy and Performance

This unit is designed to introduce rhythmic notation (long sounds, short sounds, and silences) and music literacy elements using traditional and nontraditional notation. Students will perform rhythms using voice, instruments, and/or movement. Rhythms and songs used in this unit suggest duple and triple meters. Students will further explore the difference between steady beat and rhythm throughout this unit.

Standards: K.12; K.13 a, b, d; K.14 b, c; K.15 a, b, c; K.16

Quarter 3

Unit 5: Literacy-Melody

This unit is designed to introduce high/low pitches and music literacy elements using traditional and nontraditional notation. Students will perform melodies using voice, instruments, and/or movement. 

 Standards: K.12; K.13 a-d; K.14 a, c

Unit 6: Begin Composition, Improvisation, and Analysis

This unit is designed to extend notation and music literacy elements from unit 3 to simple composition in a kindergarten classroom. Composition is developed through creating simple melodic and rhythmic patterns using traditional or nontraditional notation, creating new words and phrases, and improvisation. All composition skills should be built on the literacy foundation of Units 1, 2, and 3 understanding that those standards and skills are continuing to spiral throughout the kindergarten learning experiences. 

Standards: K.1 a-c; K.3 a-c; K.10

Quarter 4

Unit 7: Movement

This unit is designed to develop movements that are individual, group, locomotor, and non-locomotor movements.  Many skills and activities in this unit are designed to extend movement and analysis learning and further develop movement skills to a personal level of emotion.

Standards: K.16; K.17 a-d

Note: The Fine and Performing Arts Standards of Learning should be embedded throughout the year rather than taught in isolation. Though the SOL strands and PWCS units are presented separately for organizational purposes, they should be integrated throughout instruction, regardless of the learning experience.

First Grade

The standards for Grade One General Music emphasize the language and production of music and focus on the continued development of skills in singing, playing instruments, listening, moving, and responding to music. Students continue to explore the concept of a creative process to develop music ideas. Emphasis is placed on performing simple rhythms and developing aural skills related to pitch, musical form, and instrument identification. Students investigate how people participate in music in everyday life. Students identify collaboration and communication skills in music and describe personal ideas and emotions evoked by music.

First grade students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2020 Visual Arts Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:

Quarter 1

Unit 1: Review and Introduction

This unit reviews knowledge from kindergarten and deepens ongoing concepts used throughout grade one. The understandings in this unit are presented at the introductory level with the expectation that they will continue to be integrated throughout the year. During this introductory unit, first grade students will further explore singing technique, steady beat, musical opposites (high/low), and melody (melodic contour) through singing games and traditional songs. First grade students will also further develop instrument performance skills, playing technique, and instrument identification.

Standards: 1.3 a, b, c, d; 1.13 a, b, c, d; 1.14 a, b, c, d; 1.16; 1.17 a, b, c, d, e

Unit 2: Musical Connections

This unit is designed to help students connect with music in a variety of ways. Students will explore music across genres, cultures, and history and make connections between music and oneself, others, and community (events/concerts, customs/traditions).

Standards: 1.4; 1.5 a, b, c; 1.6 a, b; 1.7; 1.9; 1.1

Quarter 2

Unit 3: Expression

This unit is designed to help students connect music to personal feelings, emotions/moods, and experiences. Expressive qualities in music are further explored in this unit through musical opposites and recognizing differences in dynamics. Concepts of this unit also include student composition and performance analysis of ideas and emotions expressed in music.

Standards: 1.2 a, b, c; 1.3 a, b, c; 1.4; 1.13 a, b, c, d; 1.14 a, b, c, d

Unit 4: Literacy - Rhythm

This unit is designed to build on previous knowledge on rhythmic notation and music literacy elements using traditional and nontraditional notation. Quarter notes, quarter rests, and paired eighth note vocabulary will be introduced. Students will perform rhythms using voice, instruments, and/or movement. Rhythms and songs used in this unit suggest different meters. Students will further explore the difference between steady beat and rhythm throughout this unit.

Standards: 1.12 a, b, c; 1.14 b, c, d; 1.15 a, b, c; 1.16

Quarter 3

Unit 5: Literacy - Melody

This unit is designed to build on previous knowledge of melodic notation and music literacy elements using traditional and nontraditional methods.

Standards: 1.12 a-c; 1.13 a-d; 1.14 a-d

Unit 6: Composition, Improvisation, and Analysis

This unit is designed to extend expression and literacy into individual/group compositions.  Composition, using traditional or non-traditional notation, is developed by creating melodic patterns, rhythmic patterns, new words and phases, and improvisation. 

Standards: 1.1 a-d; 1.3 a-d; 1.10

Quarter 4

Unit 7: Movement

This unit guide is currently under construction. It will be published on March 11, 2025.

Note: The Fine and Performing Arts Standards of Learning should be embedded throughout the year rather than taught in isolation. Though the SOL strands and PWCS units are presented separately for organizational purposes, they should be integrated throughout instruction, regardless of the learning experience.

Second Grade

The standards for Grade Two General Music enable students to continue developing musical skills and concepts in singing, playing instruments, listening, performing, responding with expression, creating/composing, and moving with a focus on fine motor skills. Students continue to explore the concept of a creative process and how it can be used to develop ideas for creating music. Emphasis is placed on ensemble playing, notating pitches and rhythms, and identifying instruments. Students investigate how people experience music in everyday life and explore how music evokes personal ideas and emotions.

Second grade students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2020 Visual Arts Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:

Quarter 1

Unit 1: Review and Introduction

This unit reviews knowledge from grade one and deepens ongoing concepts used throughout grade two. The understandings in this unit are presented at the introductory level with the expectation that they will continue to be integrated throughout the year. During this introductory unit, second grade students will further explore singing technique (pitch accuracy), melody (pentatonic melodies and high/low), and instrument performance and playing technique (accompaniment and expression).

Standards: 2.3 a, b, c, d; 2.13 a, b, c, d; 2.14 a, b, c, d

Unit 2: Musical Connections

This unit is designed to help students connect with music in a variety of ways. Students will explore music across genres, cultures, and history (heritage, customs, traditions, time periods), make connections between music and oneself, others, and community, and learn the roles of audience and performer (rehearsal, performance etiquette).

Standards: 2.4; 2.5 a, b, c; 2.6 a, b; 2.7; 2.9, 2.11

Quarter 2

Unit 3: Expression

This unit is designed to help students connect music to personal feelings, emotions/moods, and experiences. Expressive qualities in music are further explored in this unit through musical opposites. Vocabulary for musical opposites, piano/forte and largo/presto, and for sudden and gradual changes in tempo and dynamics are introduced. Concepts of this unit also include student composition and performance analysis of ideas and emotions expressed in music.

Standards: 2.2 a, b, c; 2.3 a, b, c, d; 2.4; 2.13 a, b, c, d; 2.14 a, b, c, d

Unit 4: Rhythmic Literacy and Performance

This unit is designed to build on previous knowledge on rhythmic notation and music literacy elements using traditional and nontraditional notation. Half notes, half rests, whole notes, and whole rests, quarter rests, and paired eighth note vocabulary will be introduced. Students will perform rhythms using voice, instruments, and/or movement. Rhythms and songs used in this unit suggest different meters. Students will further explore the counting systems and measures.

Standards: 2.12 d, e; 2.13 d; 2.14 b, c, d; 2.15 a, b, c, d; 2.16

Quarter 3

Unit 5: Literacy - Melody

This unit is designed to build on previous knowledge for melodic notation and music literacy elements using traditional and non-traditional methods. 

Standards: 2.12 a, b, c, e; 2.13 a-d; 2.14 a-d

Unit 6: Composition, Improvisation, and Analysis

This unit is designed to extend expression literacy into individual/group compositions. Composition, using traditional or nontraditional notation, is developed by creating melodic patterns, rhythmic patterns, new words and phrases, and improvisation. 

Standards: 2.1 a-d; 2.3 a-d; 2.10

Quarter 4

Unit 7: Movement

This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.

Note: The Fine and Performing Arts Standards of Learning should be embedded throughout the year rather than taught in isolation. Though the SOL strands and PWCS units are presented separately for organizational purposes, they should be integrated throughout instruction, regardless of the learning experience.

Third Grade

The standards for Grade Three General Music enable students to continue building mastery in the areas of music literacy, including singing, playing instruments, listening, moving, and creating/composing music. Students continue to demonstrate the use of a creative process for creating music. Emphasis is placed on developing skills for singing and instrumental ensemble performance, and the continued development of musical understanding through the study of rhythm, musical form, and melodic notation. Students investigate music from different periods of music history and reflect on ways that music has value to people and communities.

Third grade students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2020 Visual Arts Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:

Quarter 1

Unit 1: Review and Introduction

This unit reviews knowledge from grade one and deepens ongoing concepts used throughout grade two. The understandings in this unit are presented at the introductory level with the expectation that they will continue to be integrated throughout the year. During this introductory unit, second grade students will further explore singing technique (pitch accuracy), melody (pentatonic melodies and high/low), and instrument performance and playing technique (accompaniment and expression).

Standards: 3.3 a, b, c, d, e; 3.13 a, b, c, d, e, f; 3.14 a, b, c, d, e, f

Unit 2: Musical Connections

This unit is designed to help students connect with music in a variety of ways. Students will explore music across genres, cultures, and history (time periods/places), make connections between music and oneself, others, and community, learn the roles of audience and performer (rehearsal, performance etiquette), and explore careers in music.

Standards: 3.4; 3.5 a, b, c; 3.6 a; 3.7; 3.9, 3.11

Quarter 2

Unit 3: Expression

This unit is designed to help students connect music to personal feelings, emotions/moods, and experiences. A wider range of vocabulary for dynamics and tempo is used when demonstrating expression through both vocal and instrument performance. Concepts of this unit also include student composition and performance analysis of ideas and emotions expressed in music.

Standards: 3.2 a, b, c; 3.3 a, b, c, d, e; 2.4; 3.13 a, b, c, d, e, f; 3.14 a, b, c, d, e, f

Unit 4: Rhythmic Literacy and Performance

This unit is designed to build on previous knowledge on rhythmic notation and music literacy elements using traditional and nontraditional notation. Sixteenth notes, single eighth notes, eighth rests, and dotted half note vocabulary will be introduced. Students will perform rhythms using voice, instruments, and/or movement. Students will further explore the duple and triple meter, strong and weak beats, counting systems, and measures.

Standards: 3.12 c, e, f; 3.14 a, d, f; 3.15 a, b, c, d; 3.16 a, b

Quarter 3

Unit 5: Literacy - Melody

This unit is designed to build on previous knowledge for melodic notation and music literacy elements using traditional and nontraditional methods.

Standards: 3.12 a, b, c, d, g; 3.13 a-f; 3.14 a-f

Unit 6: Composition, Improvisation, and Analysis

This unit is designed to extend expression and literacy into individual/group compositions.  Composition, using traditional or nontraditional notation, is developed by creating melodic Patterson, rhythmic patterns, new words and phrases, and improvisation.

Standards: 3.1 a-c; 3.3 a-e; 3.10

Quarter 4

Unit 7: Movement

This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.

Note: The Fine and Performing Arts Standards of Learning should be embedded throughout the year rather than taught in isolation. Though the SOL strands and PWCS units are presented separately for organizational purposes, they should be integrated throughout instruction, regardless of the learning experience.

Fourth Grade

The standards for Grade Four General Music emphasize a deeper understanding of musical concepts including singing, playing instruments, listening, creating, composing, and performing. Students expand on the use of a creative process as they reflect on the process and outcome of creating music and revise work based on peer and teacher feedback. Emphasis is placed on developing more advanced techniques in singing and playing instruments, expanded understanding of rhythmic and harmonic techniques, and using a system for improved melodic and rhythmic sight-reading. Students use an expanding music vocabulary to explain personal preferences for musical works and performances.

Fourth grade students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2020 Visual Arts Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:

Quarter 1

Unit 1: Review and Introduction

This unit reviews knowledge from grade three and deepens ongoing concepts used throughout grade four. The understandings in this unit are presented at the introductory level with the expectation that they will continue to be integrated throughout the year. During this introductory unit, fourth grade students will further explore singing technique (intonation, tone, expression, posture), melody (diatonic) and harmony, and instrument performance and playing technique (expression and 2-part accompaniment using tonic, subdominant, dominant).

Standards: 4.3 a, b, c, d, e, f, g; 4.13 a, b, c, d, e, f; 4.14 a, b, c, d, e, f

Unit 2: Musical Connections

This unit is designed to help students connect with music in a variety of ways. Students will explore music across genres, cultures, and history (time periods/places, world cultures, past/present), make connections between music and oneself, others, and community, learn the roles of audience and performer (rehearsal, performance etiquette, performance evaluation/feedback) and explore careers in music.

Standards: 4.4; 4.5 a, b, c; 4.6 a, b; 4.7; 4.9, 4.11

Quarter 2

Unit 3: Expression

This unit is designed to help students connect music to personal feelings, emotions/moods, and experiences. Music literacy components (from Unit 4 – Rhythmic Literacy and Performance, SOL 4.12) such as identifying dynamic markings (p, mp, mf, f) are also encapsulated in this unit. Concepts of this unit also include student composition and performance analysis of ideas and emotions expressed in music.

Standards: 4.2 a, b, c; 4.3 a, b, c, d, e, f, g; 4.4; 4.13 a, b, c, d, e, f; 4.14 a, b, c, d, e, f

Unit 4: Rhythmic Literacy and Performance

This unit is designed to build on previous knowledge on rhythmic notation and music literacy elements using traditional and nontraditional notation. Dotted quarter note followed by an eighth note vocabulary will be introduced. Students will perform rhythms using voice, instruments, and/or movement. Students will further explore meter through 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time signatures, strong and weak beats, counting systems, and measures.

Standards: 4.12 d, e, f, g; 4.14 a, b, c, d, f; 4.15 a, b, c, d; 4.16 a, b

Quarter 3

Unit 5: Literacy - Melody

This unit is designed to build on previous knowledge for melodic notation and music literacy elements using traditional and nontraditional methods.

Standards: 4.12 a, b, c, e, f, g; 4.13 a-f; 4.14 a-f

Unit 6: Composition, Improvisation, and Analysis

This unit is designed to extend expression and literacy into individual/group compositions. Composition, using traditional or nontraditional notation, is developed by creating melodic patterns, rhythmic patterns, new word and phrases, and improvisation.

Standards: 4.1 a, b; 4.3 a-g; 4.10

Quarter 4

Unit 7: Movement

This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.

Note: The Fine and Performing Arts Standards of Learning should be embedded throughout the year rather than taught in isolation. Though the SOL strands and PWCS units are presented separately for organizational purposes, they should be integrated throughout instruction, regardless of the learning experience.

Fifth Grade

The standards for Grade Five General Music enable students to use their music knowledge and skills to synthesize information and create music. Students continue to read, write, and compose music, using increasingly complex rhythms and meters. Students document questions about music and explore sources for investigating music concepts. They begin to develop choral skills, including singing in two- and three-part harmony. Students explore and perform a variety of music styles and develop personal criteria to be used for describing and analyzing musical performances.

Fifth grade students in Prince William County Public Schools will learn the 2020 Visual Arts Standards of Learning set by the Virginia Department of Education. Students will experience the following units in this course:

Quarter 1

Unit 1: Review and Introduction

This unit reviews knowledge from grade four and deepens ongoing concepts used throughout grade five. The understandings in this unit are presented at the introductory level with the expectation that they will continue to be integrated throughout the year. During this introductory unit, fifth grade students will further explore singing technique (intonation, blend, balance, expression, posture), increasingly complex melodies and 2- and 3-part harmony, and instrument performance and playing technique (expression, accompaniment, variety of ensembles).

Standards: 5.3 c, d, e; 5.13 a, b, c, d; 5.14 a, b, c, d, e, f

Unit 2: Musical Connections

This unit is designed to help students connect with music in a variety of ways. Students will explore music across genres, cultures, and history (time periods, composers), make connections between music and oneself, others, and community (collaboration), learn the roles of audience and performer (rehearsal, performance etiquette, performance evaluation/feedback) and explore careers in music.

Standards: 5.4; 5.5 a, b; 5.6 a, b, c; 5.7; 5.9; 5.11

Quarter 2

Unit 3: Expression

This unit is designed to help students connect music to personal feelings, emotions/moods, and experiences. Music literacy components (from Unit 4 – Rhythmic Literacy and Performance, SOL 5.12) such as identifying tempo markings are also encapsulated in this unit. Concepts of this unit also include student composition and performance analysis of ideas and emotions expressed in music.

Standards: 5.2 a, b, c; 5.3 a, b, c, d, e; 5.4; 5.13 a, b, c, d; 5.14 a, b, c, d

Unit 4: Rhythmic Literacy and Performance

This unit is designed to build on previous knowledge on rhythmic notation and music literacy elements using traditional and nontraditional notation. Accent and syncopation vocabulary will be introduced. Students will perform rhythms of increasing complexity using voice, instruments, and/or movement. Students will further explore meter through 6/8 time signature, strong and weak beats, counting systems, and measures.

Standards: 5.12 d, e, f; 5.14 a, b, c, d; 5.15 a, b, c, d; 5.16 a, b,

Quarter 3

Unit 5: Literacy - Melody

This unit is designed to build on previous knowledge of melodic notation and music literacy elements using traditional and nontradtional methods.

Standards: 5.12 a-f; 5.13 a-d; 5.14 a-d

Unit 6: Composition, Improvisation, and Analysis

This unit is designed to extend expression and literacy into individual/group compositions. Composition, using traditional or nontraditional notation, is developing by creating melodic patterns, rhythmic patterns, new words and phrases, and improvisation.

Quarter 4

Unit 7: Movement

This unit guide is currently under construction and will be published on March 11, 2025.

Note: The Fine and Performing Arts Standards of Learning should be embedded throughout the year rather than taught in isolation. Though the SOL strands and PWCS units are presented separately for organizational purposes, they should be integrated throughout instruction, regardless of the learning experience.