Interested In Becoming A School Partner?
PWCS welcomes and encourages businesses and organizations to partner with schools to support our students. Businesses and organizations desiring to establish partnerships with local schools must first fill out the Business Partnership Interest Form.
Working collaboratively with the selected school or the Community and Business Engagement Department, the parameters of the partnership and goals must be established and listed on the business partnership agreement. Each local school partnership should include:
- Partnership goals for the school/division and partnering organization
- Resources to be provided by the organization and the school
- How the partnership supports the PWCS strategic plan initiatives
When your business or organization partners with PWCS as a division, a specific school, or a group of schools, your contributions of time, talent, financial support, and donated items help PWCS achieve its goal to ensure all students are successful.
For questions specific to partnerships in PWCS, contact SPARK for more information on how you/your business, or your organization can get involved.
You may also initiate a partnership by starting a Business Partnership Interest Form.
Community And Business Engagement
[email protected]