Student Prevention Programs & Family Assistance

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Student Prevention Programs & Family Assistance

The Student Prevention Program & Family Assistance staff offer programs to develop and support students to grow up healthy, caring, and responsible. We follow PWCS Strategic Plan, Goal 2: Climate: The teaching, learning, and working environment is caring, safe and healthy, and values diversity. Specific programs listed below promote a climate which supports equality, diversity, and collaborative behaviors among students and stakeholders. We aim to increase safe, responsible, and healthy behaviors and empower students. The major goal is to increase school connectedness to facilitate positive outcomes.

Positive values and social competencies of:

  • Cultural competence, equality, social justice (peer diversity training, peer mediation);
  • Resistance skills, planning, decision-making (bullying prevention, substance abuse prevention);
  • Peaceful conflict resolution (peer mediation, bullying prevention);
  • Caring, positive view of the future (suicide prevention);
  • Interpersonal competence, honesty, integrity (bullying/harassment prevention); and
  • External assets are developed in youth by provision of opportunities for leadership.

to combat bullying include the "World of Difference" Peer Diversity Program which provides high school students with the training and support necessary to facilitate anti-bias education workshops for their peers in the classroom. The program creates an awareness of the prejudices in society and discusses methods to combat them. Students participate in the annual PWCS Leadership Conference to younger middle school students. Every year peer trainers attend the Washington Symphony Orchestra's "In Concert Against Hate" at the Kennedy Center.

PWCS is committed to a school environment in which students are free from bullying. Our regulation was updated to include the following definition which is consistent with the Virginia Department of Education Model Policy.

Bullying means any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. "Bullying" also includes cyberbullying, which involves the transmission, receipt, or display of electronic messages and/or images. Bullying does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.

PWCS Bullying Regulation 733.01-1

Online Safety

  • Net Smartz is an online safety education program providing age-appropriate videos and activities to help teach children be safer online with the goal of helping children to become more aware of potential online risks and empowering them to help prevent victimization by making safer choices on and offline.

Peer Training Programs at High Schools

Students practice activities, participate in special events, and conduct short workshops, related to diversity and anti-bias education. School coordinators are trained annually.

Substance Abuse & Prevention

  • Student Prevention Programs & Family Assistance includes consultation services for school administrators as they work with students involved in Code of Behavior violations in the area of substance abuse.
  • The Stop and Think: Vaping, Marijuana, and Opioid Prevention Program is a virtual, one-session educational program designed for students who have violated a portion of the Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) “Code of Behavior” related to substance use for the first time. This program replaces the previous Focus on Tobacco program and focuses on the mental and physical effects of substance use specifically vaping, marijuana, and opioids. The goal is to provide students the opportunity to gain accurate information, honestly assess their involvement with substances, and make personal decisions about behavior changes necessary to ensure their health, well-being, and academic success.  

Contact Us

Dr. Kala Goodwine | Director of Student Health and Wellness Department
[email protected]

Vacant | Supervisor of Student Prevention Programs & Family Assistance

Lisa Gray | Student Prevention Programs & Family Assistance, Administrative Assistant
[email protected] | 703-791-7268

Dr. Jillian O'Callaghan | Coordinator, Dropout Prevention and Truancy Intervention
[email protected]

Mallory McKnight | Substance Abuse Specialist
[email protected]

Shylea Michaelis | Substance Abuse Specialist
[email protected]