Superintendent Dr. McDade posing for a photo with a family at the 2024 PWCS Community Event at Unity Reed High School

Dear PWCS Families, Employees, and Community,

Welcome back to a new and exciting PWCS school year! I hope you and your family enjoyed the summer and are eager to get back into the classroom. At our amazing community event, held in collaboration with the Prince William County Community Foundation, I was so energized to see over 6,000 of our students, families, and community members show up to celebrate the start of the school year. I invite you to watch all the fun we could capture.

As you prepare for the brand-new school year, I wish to highlight important back to school information, which can be found in the Back to School webpage. The annual Back to School Packet, where parents/guardians can review emergency cards, update contact information, and complete annual policy reviews and acknowledgments, is now available in ParentVUE. The information you provide will allow school staff to ensure your student's safety this school year.

Completion of the Back to School Packet is required to access class schedules and bus stops. Class schedules for elementary school students will be available on August 11, and secondary schedules, including K-8 and traditional schools, will be available on August 14, in ParentVUE and StudentVUE.

The Code of Virginia (§22.1-272.2) requires that children are adequately immunized by August 15 before starting school on August 19. Parents/guardians can view information about student immunization compliance in ParentVUE.

As a reminder, PWCS is consolidating bus stops to help ensure students arrive at school on time. Transportation information will be available in ParentVUE and StudentVUE on August 12. Please make sure to check your child’s bus stop as it may be different from last year. Some families may notice a slightly longer distance to the new bus stop, with the median home to bus stop distance increasing from 0.10 mile to 0.23.

On behalf of PWCS, I would like to welcome our new and returning teachers to their classrooms on Monday, August 12. They will be hard at work preparing their curriculums and classrooms for our students' first day of school on Monday, August 19.

Dr. McDade signature
LaTanya D. McDade, Ed.D.
Prince William County Public Schools