Information Technology Programs

Information Technology Programs

There are two programs focused on Information Technology in PWCS. The Center for Applied Sciences, Interactive & Information Technology at Battlefield HS and the Center for Information Technology at Forest Park HS provide students opportunities to study a variety of areas related to computer science (programming), interactive media, and networking, and information technology. Specifics about each program can be found below.

Note: Applications for this program are open for rising 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students.

Program Type

Transfer Program – Students participating in this program will transfer to the program location for all courses and activities.  Express Bus Transportation is available to accepted students living outside the program location boundaries through Specialty Program Transportation

Center for Applied Sciences, Interactive and Information Technology

CASIIT LogoThe Center for Applied Sciences, Interactive and Information Technology (CASIIT) at Battlefield High School offers students the opportunity to choose from three focus areas: Applied Science, Interactive Technologies, and Information Technology. Within each area students then have the freedom to specialize their learning to a more personal level.

The ever-changing and interactive nature of the technology workplace will also require students to demonstrate highly developed social and technical intelligence. The CASIIT program provides the courses and the foundational knowledge to prepare students for entry into the future world of industry and technology.

Students must be enrolled in at least one CASIIT core class and must complete a sequence of CASIIT classes in grade 9-12.

All students in this program may choose from an extensive list of Advanced Placement core and elective courses to complement the CASIIT courses.

Program Location

Battlefield High School

Coordinator: Ms. Hostutler

Telephone: 571-261-4400

Email: [email protected]

Visit the Battlefield High School website

Information Nights

December 4, 2024, 7 p.m. at Battlefield HS

January 13, 2025, 6:30 p.m. on Zoom (Join the Zoom meeting)

Attendance Area

Battlefield HS, Brentsville HS, Gainesville HS, Osbourn Park HS, Patriot HS, and Unity Reed HS

Center for Information Technology

Forest Park High School IT Program LogoThe Center for Information Technology (iT) at Forest Park High School offers opportunities for students to study a wide range of information technology programs covering three main areas: computer science (programming), gaming, and interactive media. Students can pursue coursework focusing on one strand or they can complete coursework surveying multiple strands of the program. 

Programs leading to professional and general certification are offered. These certificate programs include computer graphics, multimedia, computer repair, computer programming, and networking. Students need at least two years in upper level classes to prepare for the advanced graphics, network, and programming certifications.

Students must be enrolled in at least one iT core class and must complete a sequence of iT classes in grade 9-12.

All students in this program may choose from an extensive list of Advanced Placement core and elective courses to complement the iT courses.

Program Location

Forest Park High School

Coordinator: Kamau Street

Telephone: 703-583-3200

Email: [email protected]

Visit the Forest Park High School website

Information Nights

November 14, 2024, 7 p.m. at Forest Park HS Auditorium

January 15, 2025, 7 p.m. at Forest Park HS Auditorium

Attendance Area

Colgan HS, Forest Park HS, Freedom HS, Gar-Field HS, Hylton HS, Potomac HS, and Woodbridge HS