Prince William County School of Practical Nursing Program Information and Resources
Practical Nursing - A Career With A Future
Fulfill your dreams of nursing!
High school seniors can have a professional career only nine months after graduation from high school! Adults can upskill and begin a rewarding career within 18 months.
Program Information
Contact Information
Tammy Dean, BSN, RN
Program Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
What is practical nursing?
Practical nursing is a technical career in which the individual practices the art of nursing under the direction of a qualified health professional. The practical nurse is a valuable member of the health care team who is active in the promotion of health, prevention of disease, and care of the sick.
Students who satisfactorily complete both the preclinical and clinical phases of this program are eligible to apply to the State Board of Nursing examination to become a licensed practical nurse. The role of the licensed practical nurse is based on past experiences in nursing situations. Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) participate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of nursing care in all health care settings.
Description of the program
The program is for high school seniors and adults. It is designed to qualify graduates to sit and pass the NCLEX-PN, preparing them for entry-level positions that assure safe and quality care for clients, in a variety of health care settings.
It is 18 months in length. The pre-clinical and clinical instruction each run nine months and predominantly follow the Prince William County Public Schools student calendar.
The pre-clinical phase is offered at Osbourn Park High School. Classes are held two hours each school day with approximately 2.5 hours of asynchronous online study per week. Seniors receive three credits toward graduation from high school.
A 74.5% average must be maintained throughout the nursing program. Clinical experience is provided at Alexander T. Augusta Military Medical Center, Birmingham Green, Sentara NVMC, Westminster at Lakeridge, through the use of simulations, and on-site at doctors’ offices throughout the county.
After successful completion of the pre-clinical year, students advance to Practical Nursing 3 for an additional nine months of study in the clinical phase of the program. Students are involved in classroom activities for a dedicated 7-8 hours per day. Clinical hours are dependent upon location, and hours can range from 6-12 hours per shift (day) during the clinical phase of study. A cumulative file is maintained for each student in order to document 400-hours of direct patient care.
The practical nursing program includes asynchronous, online learning as a supplemental teaching and learning tool. Access to a computer and the internet is required to successfully complete the nursing program.
After obtaining a nursing license, the graduate is expected to be able to meet diverse needs of clients, to function as role model and leader, and to contribute to the advancement of the nursing profession and the quality of health care delivery.
Admission requirements
- High school students must be a junior to apply and must satisfactorily complete their junior year for acceptance. Students will be entering senior year for at the time of enrollment in the course.
- Adult applicants must have a high school diploma or GED certificate. International transcripts must be evaluated for equivalency to a U.S. high school diploma.
- Priority is given to Prince William County residents. Out-of-county residents will be assessed an additional $200 tuition fee.
- Applicants should have a sincere interest in nursing and working with people, the ability to work well with others and be of good moral character.
- Applicants must be in good Immunizations, criminal background checks, and drug screening are required for all students before entering the second year of the program.
- Satisfactory scores on pre-entrance tests (math and written essay) are required in addition to the application and interview.
- Access to a computer with Microsoft software and internet availability is required.
Application process and timeline
Specialty program applications will be accepted November 1, 2024-February 1, 2025.
Visit the Specialty Programs Application Process website to learn more about the application process.
Visit the practical nursing website to request an application. Applications are submitted online. All applicants must also sign up for an admissions test date after submitting the application. For additional information, contact the Program Director at 571-598-3907.
Final acceptance decisions are made by the admissions committee. Notifications are anticipated to be made on or around May 15.
Cost of the program
High school seniors are not required to pay tuition for the pre-clinical year of study; however, they are assessed tuition fees for the second year of the program (Practical Nursing 3 and clinical experiences). High school seniors will need to purchase books and uniforms as program requirements.
Adult students are required to pay tuition fees each year. The first year of tuition for pre-clinical coursework is $3,500 and the second year of tuition is $4,500 for clinical coursework. Books and uniforms are an additional fee. Second year students are also responsible for completing a computer remediation program and payment of additional fees (e.g., testing fee, laboratory fee). View a breakdown of program fees and projected expenses.
Tuition fees are subject to change and are established annually in alignment with Prince William County Public Schools' budget and finance regulations. Out-of-county residents are assessed an additional $200 tuition fee. All tuition payments are non-refundable. This program is not FAFSA eligible, but scholarship and grant funds may be accepted.
Areas of study and curriculum
Areas of Study
Students take Practical Nursing 1 and 2 as seniors and complete the program with Practical Nursing 3 after graduation. Tuition is charged for Practical Nursing 3. All Health and Medical Science courses will count toward meeting the one credit practical arts requirement for graduation except Practical Nursing 3.
Practical Nursing 1 and 2 are the first-year courses completed within the first nine months of the program.
During the first year, students complete six sub-courses:
- Personal & Vocational Relationships Growth & Development Fundamentals of Nursing
- Nutrition
- Anatomy & Physiology Pharmacology
Practical Nursing 3 is the second-year course completed during the second nine months of the program.
Practical Nursing 3 students complete six sub-courses:
- Fundamentals, Mental Health, Geriatrics
- Medical/Surgical and Mental Health
- Maternity/Pediatrics and Mental Health
- Leadership/ Preceptorship
Community Health and Mental Health instruction take place throughout clinical experiences in the second year. Lab and clinical experiences are utilized to enhance classroom learning. The HESI testing and remediation system is used to enhance comprehension.
What are some of the job opportunities available upon becoming licensed?
- Assisted living
- Clinics
- Home health care
- Hospitals
- Long-term care
- Physician’s offices
- Private duty
- Rehabilitation centers
Qualifications for advancement to Practical Nursing 3 (year 2)
- Pass each sub-course with a 5% or better.
- No more than 20 hours of absences, excused or unexcused, during the program.
- Demonstrate 80% or higher mastery of essential nursing competencies/skills.
Graduation Requirements
- Meet minimum sub-course grade
- Meet all attendance requirements and fulfill all financial obligations.
- Complete the minimum requirement of 400 direct patient care hours.
- Complete an NCLEX review.
Excellent NCLEX-PN pass rates!
- 2024 - 100%
- 2023 - 88%
- 2022 - 87%
- 2021 - 81%
- 2020 - 79%
- 2019 - 92%
The program is approved by the Virginia Board of Nursing and accredited by the Virginia Department of Education.
Resources for Students
- Practical Nursing Program Student Handbook for 2024-25 (PDF)
- Practical Nursing 1 and 2 Calendar for 2024-25(PDF)
- Practical Nursing 3 Calendar for 2024-25 (PDF)
- Clinical Hours per Course (PDF)
- Regulation 673-1, "Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) School of Practical Nursing Program"
- Basic Math Review for Admission Testing (PDF)
- Dosage Calculations (PDF)