High-Quality Work-Based Learning
Spotlight on Schools
Osbourn Park High School students participate in various work-based learning opportunities at local Prince William County businesses. This includes the ArtFactory in Manassas where students engage in high-quality work-based learning through unpaid internships to acquire the essential skills needed for competitive employment upon high school graduation.
- High-Quality Work-Based Learning Guide (HQWBL)
- Virginia Department of Education HQWBL is comprised of school-coordinated workplace experiences that are
- Related to students’ career goals and/or interests
- Connected to a course, and
- Performed in partnership with local businesses and organizations.
- HQWBL experiences enable students to apply classroom instruction in a real-world business or service-oriented work environment. The Virginia Department of Education and Prince William County Public Schools recognize 12 HQWBL experiences.
- As students participate in HQWBL experiences, their various paths can be grouped into three categories: career awareness, career exploration, and career preparation
Administrative Contacts
Ann Johnson, Supervisor
[email protected]
Vacant, Administrative Coordinator
Wendy Morris, Administrative Assistant II
[email protected]
Career Awareness
Career awareness activities prepare students for HQWBL experiences. These activities are designed to increase student awareness of personal interests and talents along with the education and training needed to pursue a career goal. Through career awareness activities, students gain an initial understanding of work, various industries, and different career pathways. Career awareness activities ideally lead to HQWBL experiences where students can deepen their knowledge of career pathways and begin applying skills learned in the classroom. Examples of career awareness activities are guest speakers, career days or college and career fairs, field trips and workplace tours, videos or presentations about various professions, and opportunities to conduct informational interviews.
Career Exploration
Career exploration experiences encourage students to develop personal career interests, a better understanding of pathways to a chosen career, and the workplace readiness skills needed to make informed decisions regarding secondary and postsecondary education and training. These experiences are typically of shorter duration. Students may be assigned supplementary work connected with the activity and may be graded on their performance in a way that contributes to the final grade in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) class.
Career Preparation
Career preparation experiences deepen student knowledge and develop skills necessary for success in employment and postsecondary education. These experiences are recommended for students who have a clear goal of entering the workforce directly after high school or of enrolling in a closely related postsecondary training program. These experiences are structured primarily to give students extensive practice in applying fundamental technical and practical knowledge and skills in their chosen careers. Career preparation experiences take place over a longer timeframe and involve more responsibilities.