Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) provided updates on the proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) during a School Board work session on January 15, 2025. The CIP is an essential planning tool for future facility projects, including new school construction and additions, renovations, artificial turf and tracks, and significant school maintenance and repair projects.
PWCS is observing enrollment trends that align with those reported last year. Since 2014, the division has experienced an overall decline in birth rates, a factor that continues to influence future student enrollment. Additionally, population growth from migration, which was once prominent in Northern Virginia, has shifted to the region’s exurbs and the Richmond Metropolitan Area since the pandemic. Based on current projections, PWCS anticipates a decrease of approximately 3,776 students over the next five years.
The updated CIP for 2026-30 reflects current enrollment trends and includes several new construction and renovation projects to address evolving needs. New construction projects include the replacement of Occoquan Elementary School, and the construction of "Woodbridge Area" Elementary School, "Potomac Shores #2" Elementary School, and the 14th high school.
“I appreciate Superintendent Dr. McDade and her team’s effort to be more analytical and precise about enrollment projections, their financial impacts, and the impact on our capital improvement plan. These efforts will ensure a more efficient use of taxpayer dollars with maximum impact. I also appreciate her study on our facilities, and her recommendations to address all renovations on the basis of true need rather than an arbitrary schedule. This will be a change for the school division and will address long standing inequities and be a more purposeful use of our resources,” stated Dr. Babur Lateef, School Board Chairman At-Large.
Significant additional funding is proposed to upgrade and replace HVAC infrastructure in many schools, addressing previously deferred maintenance to improve classroom comfort.
Building addition projects are planned for Pennington Traditional School, Washington-Reid Preschool Center, The Nokesville School, and Marsteller Middle School. Dale City Elementary School is proposed to receive a major renovation as well as an addition.
PWCS is also adapting to the requirements of the High-Performance Building Act. Initially applicable to higher education institutions, the law was updated to include school divisions, effective July 1, 2024. PWCS had already anticipated compliance with the original law in 2022 and has proactively incorporated provisions from the updated law into its practices. The division is conducting a thorough review to ensure full understanding and compliance with the new requirements.
Looking ahead, PWCS will present the final CIP alongside the FY 2026 Proposed Budget in early February. Public meetings and hearings will follow to gather community input (view planning timeline).
These updates underscore PWCS’s commitment to managing resources effectively while addressing shifting enrollment patterns and evolving facility needs. Further information about the proposed CIP and updated projects is available on the PWCS website.