Dear PWCS Families, Employees, and Community,
Thank you for an outstanding first full week back at school in the new year!
As we settle into 2025, we are excited to build upon the momentum of the year ahead, embracing new opportunities to support our students, staff, and community in achieving success and growth.
This is the time of year that PWCS begins preparations for the 2025-26 school year, including the budget. The Superintendent's Fiscal Year 2026 Proposed Budget and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) will continue to support the PWCS Vision 2025 Launching Thriving Futures Strategic Plan and beyond.
Earlier this week, we shared the CIP with the School Board in a work session. The CIP is a management tool for planning school renovations and construction of new school facilities.
Consistent with last year’s data, current enrollment projections indicate a continued population decline in Northern Virginia. Due to continued trends, PWCS anticipates a notable deceleration in enrollment growth over the next five years, and continues to refine, update, and proactively respond to ensure present and future student success. Please visit the PWCS website for more details on the CIP including the budget timeline to stay informed about our priorities for next year.
Planning for success begins with staying informed. Current PWCS students are applying to many of our specialty programs offered in elementary, middle, and high school that focus on career exploration, subject area concentration, and college/university preparation. Throughout November and December, we held specialty program information sessions, offering an overview of each program and the application process.
Applications opened November 1 and will close February 1, except the Center for Fine and Performing Arts, which closed December 14. Information and application assistance sessions are being held through February 1. I invite you to attend one of our many online sessions.
As a reminder, PWCS will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Additionally, Tuesday, January 21, and Wednesday, January 22, are non-student attendance days for Teacher Workday and Division Parent Conferences/Division Professional Development respectively.
The legacy of Dr. King continues with the 40th annual Youth Oratorical Program. Congratulations to Soluchi Eze (Benton Middle), Chizaram Felix-Ugorji (Pennington Traditional), Ezana Tesfaye (Porter Traditional), Naomi Samuel (Battlefield High), Jordyn Nesbitt (Gainesville High), and Rabab Raza (Osbourn Park High) for qualifying for the final round of the 2025 MLK Youth Oratorical Competition. Your dedication and talent have earned you this honor. More details are available on the PWCS website.
As you observe the school holiday on Monday, consider reflecting on Dr. King's contributions to combating injustice and engaging in community service to advance his vision. We encourage everyone to find ways to honor Dr. King’s legacy through acts of kindness and community involvement.
LaTanya D. McDade, Ed.D.
Prince William County Public Schools