Academic & Career Planning (ACP) K-12 and Beyond
The Academic & Career Plan (ACP) and Academic & Career Plan Portfolio (ACPP) are designed to be working documents that maximize student achievement by having the student identify values, interests, and career understanding in elementary school to include accomplishing goals also in middle and high school that lead to postsecondary and career readiness. The plan is student-driven and maintained by school professionals working cooperatively to assist the student in reaching their goals through academics and career planning.
Academic & Career Plan (ACP)
The Academic and Career Plan Portfolio (ACPP) begins in the elementary school years. Students explore different occupations associated with career clusters based on selected areas aligning with personal interests, values such as dependability & respect, and skills supporting decision making about future goals and interest.
Virginia Education Wizard is the platform utilized by PWCS elementary students to explore careers and find the best fit pathways including explorative activities, self-assessments and access to students while in any VA school. Students access their account using their Office 365 login through clever. Students complete lessons with their counselors in 4th and 5th grade within this platform. K-3rd grade includes counselor lead explorative activities producing career artifacts.
VA Wizard-FAQ sheet for elementary school students (K-5) PDF
The Academic and Career Plan (ACP) begins in sixth grade and includes college, career, and life readiness curriculum taught each year by school counselors and educators through Naviance. Students continue the creation of their personal learning plan and course of study that aligns with their evolving academic and career goals which is reviewed annually.
Grades 6-8: Career Development & Planning
Students will identify and demonstrate the relationship of personal interests, goals and course planning as it relates to career choices
Grades 9-12: Career Focus & Experiences
Students will understand how the changing workplace requires lifelong learning, flexibility and the acquisition of new employment skills.
The Naviance platform is available to all middle and high school students in PWCS allowing them the opportunity to complete self-discovery assessments, post-high school planning, career exploration and college searching. This is also the platform used for requesting transcripts and letters of recommendation senior year. Their account travels with them to any PWC school. The "Student Readiness Report" provides a summary of the student's personalized ACP which can be found in Naviance under the "About Me" tab in the top right corner which is updated annually.