Dear PWCS Families, Employees, and Community,
Earlier this week, we presented our State of the Schools address to the Prince William County School Board. While we have accomplished and exceeded in some and continue to progress toward our goals in several areas, there is still work to accomplish in meeting the needs of all our students. We remain resolute in our efforts toward engagement, elevation, and acceleration to close achievement gaps and sustain academic progress. All available achievement data is posted on our Interactive Dashboard.
PWCS is excited to launch PWCS Proud! an employee recognition program aligned with the You Belong Here initiative. Four employees, one from each of the eastern, central, and western area schools, and one from the departments/offices which support our schools, will be selected for recognition. The first nomination submission window will be open through October 28. I encourage you to learn more and submit a nomination, by visiting the PWCS Proud! webpage.
Throughout October, PWCS honors several observances focused on special education including Dyslexia Awareness, ADHD Awareness, and Learning Disabilities Awareness Month. PWCS believes in providing effective instruction to meet the needs of every student and will continue to proactively improve our approaches, practices, and delivery of special education instruction and services to enhance the educational experience and support for all students.
Next week, PWCS celebrates National School Bus Safety Week, a reminder for students, families, and drivers to prioritize the safety around school buses. Reinforcing safety practices such as properly boarding and exiting, maintaining awareness of bus stop locations, and following traffic laws to protect students, are vital to the safety and security of our students. This week also highlights the crucial role that bus drivers play in ensuring students’ safe transportation.
As the first quarter is coming to a close, please be sure to check in on The Hub and with your student(s) and their teacher for updates on academic progress, emotional wellness, and current attendance. Additionally, in our ongoing commitment to academic excellence, PWCS is pleased to inform families that all sophomores, juniors, and seniors have access to Khan Academy through Clever. Khan Academy is a resource for general and advanced courses, provides video instructional support, practice assessments, and SAT preparation. I hope our students will take full advantage of this supportive resource.
Have an enjoyable weekend.
LaTanya D. McDade, Ed.D.
Prince William County Public Schools