Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) maintains this webpage to comply with certain requirements for school divisions regarding annual notifications, public hearings, and postings set forth by federal and/or state code or regulation or Virginia School Boards Association policy.
Note: All policies are published on the PWCS’ BoardDocs website.
Required Notifications and Opt-Out Forms
Parents or guardians can request a printed copy of any required notification by contacting the school division at 703-791-7200.
- Asbestos
- Availability of School Division Policies and Regulations
- Budget
- Career and Technical Education Nondiscrimination Statement
- Child Nutrition Programs
- Code of Student Conduct, Compulsory Attendance Law, Parental Responsibility and Involvement
- Cost per Pupil
- Counseling
- Cover Virginia
- Credits Required for Graduation
- Disclosure of Student Images in Print or Video Format
- Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement Classes, and Special Programs
- Eating Disorders Awareness Information
- Emergency Procedures
- English Learners
- Family Life Education
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Fentanyl Education and Awareness
- Gifted Education Plan
- Graduation Requirements
- High School Credit-Bearing Courses Taken in Middle School
- Homeless Students
- Internet Privacy
- Learning Objectives
- National Assessment of Educational Progress
- Nondiscrimination
- Parental Notification of Sexually Explicit Instructional Materials
- Parent and Family Engagement Policy
- Possible Exposure to Viral Infections
- Postsecondary Education and Employment Data
- Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment
- Promotion, Retention, and Remediation Policies
- Prosecution of Juveniles as Adults
- Pupil/Teacher Ratios
- PWCS Role in Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance
- Release of Student Records to Armed Forces Recruiters and Educational Institutions
- Report Cards/Quality Profiles
- School Bus Rider Safety Rules
- Scoliosis
- Services for Students Identified as Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Visually Impaired
- Sex Offender Registry
- Special Education
- Standards of Learning
- Student Achievement
- Student Surveys
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
- Tobacco and Nicotine Vapor Products
- Teacher Qualifications
- Testing Transparency and Parent Opt-Out
- Vision and Hearing Screening
- Voluntary Retirement Savings Program
- Wellness Policies
Each school division must notify parents, employees, and other building occupants about asbestos inspections, response actions, and post-response action activities, including periodic reinspection and surveillance activities that are planned or in progress.
Availability of School Division Policies and Regulations
Each division must make an announcement advising the public that current copies of all division policies and regulations are available on the division's website. The announcement also should state that printed copies of school division policies and regulations are available to citizens who do not have online access.
Employees and members of the public can access all division policies and regulations approved by the school board on the division's BoardDocs website. Citizens who do not have online access can contact the School Board office at 703-791-8709 to request a printed copy of approved policies or regulations.
Policy Reference: Policy 250, "Policy Implementation"
Upon approval of the school division's budget by the appropriating body every year, the School Board must publish the approved annual budget on the division's website.
General information about the division's annual budget planning process and community engagement opportunities can be found on our Budget webpage. The school division's 2024-25 Adopted Budget, along with a complete archive of budget documents, reports, and presentations dating back to the 2017-18 school year, can be accessed from our Budget Updates webpage.
Career and Technical Education Nondiscrimination Statement
Prince William County Public Schools does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs, services, and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, age, marital status, veteran status, disability, genetic information, or any other basis prohibited by law.
Read the full Career and Technical Education Nondiscrimination Statement.
Child Nutrition Programs
Each division that participates in the free and reduced-price meals program must notify parents and the public about the programs. The notice must include the following statement: In the operation of child feeding programs, no child will be discriminated against because of race, sex, color, national origin, age, or disability. Also, schools must post a report of the most recent food safety inspection in a publicly visible location.
Families can apply online for free and reduced meal benefits through the PWCS Food and Nutrition Department.
Each PWCS cafeteria receives at least two inspections per year. The most recent inspection is posted in each cafeteria in public view.
Policy Reference: Policy 461.01, "Free and Reduced-Price Meals"
Code of Student Conduct, Compulsory Attendance Law, Parental Responsibility and Involvement
Each school division must provide the following to the parents of each enrolled student: a notice of the requirements regarding parental responsibility and involvement; a copy of the school division's standards of student conduct; and a copy of the compulsory school attendance law and the enforcement procedures and policies adopted by the school board.
At the beginning of each school year, PWCS shares information about parental responsibility and involvement requirements with parents/guardians through the online Back to School Packet form. In return, parents must indicate receipt of these materials. By acknowledging receipt, parents expressly reserve their rights protected by the constitutions or laws of the United States or Virginia and have the right to express disagreement with a school's or school division's policies or decisions. View the student Code of Behavior.
Policy Reference: Policy 701, "Code of Behavior"; Policy 720, "Attendance"; Policy 724, "Student Absences, Excuses, and Tardies"; Policy 725, "Students Eighteen Years of Age and Older"; Policy 728, "Exclusions and Exemptions from Compulsory School Attendance"; Policy 730, "Student Conduct and Responsibilities"
Cost per Pupil
The superintendent must prepare and distribute notification of the estimated average per pupil cost for public education in the division for the upcoming school year. The notice also must include actual per-pupil state and local education expenditures for the previous school year.
View Per Pupil Expenditures for PWCS.
Policy Reference: Policy 311, "Preparation of Annual Budget"
Parents must be notified regarding the academic and career guidance and personal/social counseling programs that are available to their children, including the purpose and general description of the programs, information regarding ways parents can review materials to be used in counseling programs at their child's school, and information about the procedures by which parents can limit their child's participation in such programs.
The school division's School Counseling Services webpage provides details about our counseling program by level: Elementary and Secondary. Families who object to the participation of their child in the personal/social counseling program must notify the school principal in writing if the child is not to participate in any counseling program using the form in Attachment I of Regulation 651-1.
Policy Reference: Policy 651, "School Counseling Services, Elementary, Middle, and High School"; Regulation 651-1, "School Counseling Services, Elementary, Middle, and High School"; Regulation 651-2, "Confidentiality of Student-Disclosed Information"
Cover Virginia
The Virginia Department of Education and Department of Medical Assistance Services have requested that schools provide information to help ensure that no Medicaid recipient loses their Medicaid or Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan coverage.
Credits Required for Graduation
Each division must notify the parents of rising juniors and seniors of the graduation requirements pursuant to the standards for accreditation. The division also must notify parents of students who fail to graduate or to achieve graduation requirements as provided in the standards of accreditation and who have not reached 20 years of age on or before August 1 of the school year of the right to a free public education. If the student is an English Learner, the division will notify the parent of the student's opportunity for a free public education in accordance with state law.
The school counseling office at each PWCS high school addresses the requirements above on an individual student basis.
Further, the division must notify parents of students with disabilities who have an individualized education program (IEP) and fail to meet the graduation requirements of the student's right to a free and appropriate education to age 21.
PWCS includes such notification in each IEP as part of the required transition plan for each student ages 13 and up, in addition to annual notification of parental rights that addresses the age of eligibility.
Policy Reference: Policy 662, "Graduation Requirements"
Disclosure of Student Images in Print or Video Format
Photographs and videos are routinely provided to the news media for the purpose of recognizing students for academic, athletic, or extracurricular accomplishments. Any request for the release or use of photograph(s) or video for use by a person or entity outside of PWCS shall be submitted to the principal (or designee) or the Office of the Chief Information Officer (or designee). Release of photograph(s) or video depicting students shall be provided only to those entities approved by the division employee who received and reviewed the request, and only under the conditions which are outlined in PWCS Regulation 790-3, "Release of Directory Information." PWCS Regulation 790-3 provides you with an opt-out form if you choose to exercise that right. Please note that your decision to opt out of the release of student images under FERPA's directory information exception does not bar PWCS from releasing student images with your written consent or where the release is authorized by provisions of federal law other than FERPA's directory information provision. Examples of these disclosures include but are not limited to health and safety emergencies, to school officials with a legitimate educational interest, and in response to subpoenas or court orders.
Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement Classes, and Special Programs
Students and their parents must be notified of the availability of dual enrollment; advanced placement classes; career and technical education programs, including internships, externships, apprenticeships, credentialing programs, certification programs, licensure programs, and other work-based learning experiences; the International Baccalaureate program; and academic year Governor's School programs.
The division publishes this information in the High School Course Catalog.
Students and parents also must be notified of the division's agreement with a community college in Virginia to enable students to complete an associate degree or a one-year Uniform Certificate of General Studies concurrent with a high school diploma.
Beginning in the middle school years, students are counseled on opportunities for beginning postsecondary education and opportunities for obtaining industry certifications, occupational competency credentials, or professional licenses in a career and technical education field before high school graduation. Such opportunities will include access to at least three Advanced Placement courses or three college-level courses for degree credit. Students taking advantage of such opportunities are not denied participation in school activities for which they are otherwise eligible. Wherever possible, students are encouraged and afforded opportunities to take college courses simultaneously for high school graduation and college degree credit (dual enrollment).
Eating Disorders Awareness Information
Every school board must provide information to parents of students in grades 5-12 regarding eating disorders. The information must be consistent with guidelines developed by the Virginia Department of Education.
View information on eating disorders on the Student Health Services webpage, including an information sheet for parents on eating disorders (PDF).
Emergency Procedures
Each school's written procedures to follow in emergencies must be outlined in the student handbook and discussed with staff and students in the first week of each school year.
Individual schools within PWCS distribute student handbooks, and emergency procedures are discussed with students and parents during student orientation and back-to-school events.
Policy Reference: Policy 758, "Emergency Information and Emergency Protocols"
English Learners
School divisions receiving federal funds to provide a language instruction educational program must inform the parents of English learners of the reasons for the identification of their child as an English learner in need of placement in a language instruction program, as well as the details of the division's language instruction program and information pertaining to parental rights.
PWCS sends a letter to all parents of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) students including the details required by federal law, either in the first 30 days of school or within two weeks of entry into the program during the school year. For more information about our support programs for English learners, please visit the Student Opportunity and Multilingual Services webpage.
Policy Reference: Regulation 600-4, "English Learner Program for K-12 Schools"
Family Life Education
Parents/guardians are notified about family life education (FLE) at the beginning of each school year through the Back to School portal. The Parent Information Letter/Opt-Out Request Form and Grade Level and Course Objectives are located on each grade level and course page on the Family Life Education website.
Every parent or guardian who is required to send a child to a public school has the right to review the complete family life curricula, including all supplemental materials used in any family life education program. To indicate a decision to remove a child from all or part of FLE, complete the Opt-Out Request form and return it to the child's teacher and/or counselor. Parents should review the objectives carefully before making an opt-out decision. Curricula materials can be found by clicking on the links below. Do not complete and return the form if you would like your child to participate in FLE.
Parents/guardians will be notified a week before the date(s) FLE will be delivered. Students who are opted out will be provided with non-punitive instructional activities during FLE.
View the family life education curriculum and opt-out form.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Divisions must provide parents/guardians and adult students notice of their rights to inspect and review education records, amend education records, consent to the disclosure of personally identifiable information in education records, and file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education.
Policy 790, "Student Educational Records," details the rights of parents and eligible students under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and defines the categories of information the school division designates as directory information. Additional resources include the U.S. Department of Education's Model Notification of Rights for Elementary and Secondary Schools and Model Notice for Directory Information.
Policy Reference: Policy 790, "Student Educational Records"; Regulation 790-3, "Release of Directory Information"
Fentanyl Education and Awareness
PWCS must provide students in grades 9-12 fentanyl education and awareness information within the first two weeks of the school year (Code of Virginia § 22.1-206.02).
View PWCS' substance abuse prevention resources.
Gifted Education Plan
Each school division is required to make its comprehensive plan for the education of gifted students available through the division's website.
View the Prince William County Public Schools' Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted, 2022-27.
Policy Reference: Policy 690, "Education of Students with Disabilities and Gifted Students"
Graduation Requirements
Every school must provide students in all grade levels a notice of all requirements for Standard and Advanced Studies diplomas. The Virginia Department of Education publishes graduation requirements (including minimum credit and course requirements) on their Graduation Requirements webpage.
PWCS publishes graduation requirements in the High School Course Catalog.
Policy Reference: Policy 662, "Graduation Requirements"
High School Credit-Bearing Courses Taken in Middle School
For any high school credit-bearing course taken in middle school, parents can request that grades be omitted from the student's transcript and that the student not earn high school credit for the course in accordance with policies adopted by the local school board.
The counseling office at each PWCS middle school and high school addresses this requirement on an individual student basis.
Policy Reference: Policy 661, "Student Evaluation and Reporting"; Regulation 661-2, "Assessment and Grading Practices - Middle"
Homeless Students
Each division must provide public notice of the educational rights of homeless students enrolled in the division. The notice, which must be in a manner and form understandable to homeless students and their parents/guardians, shall be disseminated in places where homeless students receive services.
View the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance webpage.
Policy Reference: Policy 718, "Students Experiencing Homelessness"
Internet Privacy
Every school division that has an internet website must make its internet privacy statement conspicuously available on its website.
The division's Internet Policy can be accessed at the bottom of every page of the PWCS website.
Learning Objectives
Every school must provide parents with the learning objectives to be achieved at their child's grade level.
In high school, this requirement is met by providing students with a syllabus for each of their courses. Parents may also find it helpful to view course descriptions in the High School Course Catalog. PWCS curricula for core instructional areas (grades pre-K-12) can be accessed through each content area webpage.
National Assessment of Educational Progress
Before the administration of National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) assessments, PWCS will inform parents of children selected to participate in the assessment that their child can be excused from participation for any reason, is not required to finish any authorized assessment, and is not required to answer any test question. Further, the division will make a reasonable effort to inform parents and the public of their right of access to assessment data, questions, and complete and current assessment instruments of any NAEP assessment, excluding personally identifiable information and questions that may be reused in the future.
Divisions must notify students, parents, and others that they do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, and age. The division's Nondiscrimination Statement, which includes contact information for our compliance officers, can be accessed from a link at the bottom of every page of the division's website.
Policy Reference: Policy 060, "Nondiscrimination and Commitment to Equity"; Policy 738, "Non-discrimination and Harassment of Students"
Parental Notification of Sexually Explicit Instructional Materials
Virginia law requires school divisions to regularly review instructional materials and notify parents and guardians before their use by students. Visit the sexually explicit materials webpage to learn more and view the divisionwide list of sexually explicit materials.
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Divisions and schools that receive Title I funds must distribute their parental involvement policy to parents of students in Title I programs. For more information, visit the Title I Family Engagement webpage.
Policy Reference: Policy 951, "Parental/Family Involvement in the Schools"
Possible Exposure to Viral Infections
The superintendent or his/her designee will notify parents of PWCS students and students age 14 and older at the start of each school year.
Postsecondary Education and Employment Data
The school division's Career and Technical Education (CTE) program must include a notice on its website to enrolled high school students and their parents of the:
- Availability of postsecondary education and employment data published by the State Council of Higher Education; and
- Opportunity for such students to obtain a nationally recognized career readiness certificate at a local public high school, comprehensive community college, or workforce center.
The VDOE's Career and Technical Education (CTE) website provides additional CTE resources.
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment requires school divisions to provide notice of their policy controlling the administration of surveys on certain sensitive topics, including political or religious beliefs and behavior involving sex or illegal conduct. Divisions also must notify parents of the dates during which certain activities may occur, including activities involving the collection, disclosure, or use of students' personal information; the administration of any survey concerning sensitive information; or any non-emergency, invasive physical examination, or screening.
Policy Reference: Regulation 612-1, "Program Evaluation and Research Activities: Research/Surveys/Evaluations"; Policy 795, "Student Privacy and Parental Access to Information"; Regulation 795-1, "Student Privacy and Parental Access to Information";
Promotion, Retention, and Remediation Policies
Every school must provide parents with a copy of the division's promotion, retention, and remediation policies.
Policy Reference: Policy 665, "Promotion and Retention of Students"; Policy 649, "Standards of Learning Remediation Recovery and Remediation Program(s)"; Policy 689, "Summer School"
Prosecution of Juveniles as Adults
School boards must provide information developed by the office of the Virginia Attorney General to students regarding laws governing the prosecution of juveniles as adults for the commission of certain crimes. Refer to the Laws Regarding the Prosecution of Juveniles as Adults, as developed by the Office of the Attorney General.
Pupil/Teacher Ratios
School boards must report to the public the actual pupil/teacher ratios, by school, in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms across the division. PWCS annually reports class size data each fall. View the Standards of Quality Pupil/Teacher Ratios.
PWCS Role in Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance
PWCS utilizes several third-party educational software applications and web-based services. For students to use these valuable programs and services, certain personal identifying information must be provided to the application service provider and/or website operator. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is a federal law governing the online collection of personal information from children under 13. In accordance with COPPA, parental consent must be obtained before collecting the personal identifying information from children under the age of 13; however, COPPA permits schools to provide this consent on behalf of parents, eliminating the need for parents to provide consent to each individual provider or operator. For children under the age of 13, PWCS will authorize application service providers and website operators to obtain personal identifying information (PII) as needed for educational and school purposes, and for no other commercial purpose(s).
All software purchases in PWCS, and use of software, must comply PWCS information security requirements and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This includes Regulation 470-2, “Purchasing of Information Technology Equipment, Systems, and Software,” and Regulation 295-4, “Data Governance.”
A link to the list of software applications and websites currently used by PWCS is provided below.
View PWCS’ Approved Software List
Release of Student Records to Armed Forces Recruiters and Educational Institutions
Divisions must notify parents that they will release the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of secondary students to all recruiters or institutions of higher education that request them unless parents (or eligible students) specifically request that this information not be released.
Regarding the release of student records to military recruiters, PWCS notifies parents of secondary students of the requirement and provides an "opt-out" option through the annual Back to School Packet.
Policy Reference: Policy 790, "Student Educational Records"; Regulation 790-3, "Release of Directory Information"
Report Cards/Quality Profiles
Divisions that receive Title I funds must prepare and disseminate specified information to parents. While federal law refers to this information as a "report card," the Virginia Board of Education uses the term "School Quality Profile." The Virginia Department of Education posts the information required by federal law in online School Quality Profiles, which provide information about student achievement, college and career readiness, program completion, school safety, teacher quality, and other topics of interest to parents and the general public. View the PWCS School Data Profiles, as well as view the division-level Prince William County Public Schools Quality Profile or select an individual school.
School Bus Rider Safety Rules
A copy of bus rider safety rules shall be sent to parents at the beginning of the school year. The information shall include a request that parents or their designee accompany their young children to and from the bus stop. School bus rules are included in the Code of Behavior.
Each year, the state requires that school divisions notify all parents of students in grades 5-10 about a physical condition known as scoliosis. This condition affects about 2-3% of all adolescents and causes a curvature in the spine. View the Vision and Hearing Screening, Scoliosis Fact Sheet (PDF).
Services for Students Identified as Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Visually Impaired
Each school board shall post information distributed by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) describing educational and other services available through the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind, the Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, and the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired to the parents of those students who are identified as deaf or hard of hearing or visually impaired.
Refer to Resources for Serving Students with Sensory Disabilities (Word). For additional information and resources, please visit the VDOE's Sensory Disabilities webpage.
Sex Offender Registry
Every school board must notify parents of the board's policy regarding sex offenders. The Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry can be accessed online through the Virginia State Police website.
Policy Reference: Regulation 501-2, "Pre-Employment Reference Check/Background Investigations on Prospective Employees"; Policy 926, "School Visitors"; Regulation 926-1, "Visitor Identification"
Special Education
Each division must conduct a public awareness campaign (also known as the Child Find program) to inform the community about special education programs and services.
The Prince William County School Board maintains an active and continuing Child Find program to identify, locate, and evaluate those children residing in the division (birth to age 21) who are in need of special education and related services.
Policy Reference: Policy 690, "Education of Students with Disabilities and Gifted Students"; Regulation 690-1, "Special Education"; Regulation 690-3, "Section 504 Identification, Evaluation, Placement, and Hearing Procedures"
Standards of Learning
Every school must provide parents with the Standards of Learning (SOL) applicable to their child's grade or course requirements and the approximate date and potential impact of the child's next SOL testing.
View the Testing webpage for information on SOLs and other assessments in PWCS. (Please note that dates of test administration vary by school. Parents can check with their child's school for specific testing dates and times.) State expectations for student learning and achievement can be accessed through the Virginia Department of Education's Virginia SOL Assessment Program webpage.
Policy Reference: Policy 662, "Graduation Requirements"
Student Achievement
Schools that receive Title I funds must provide parents with individual reports regarding their student's level of achievement and academic growth on the state's academic assessments, if applicable and available, as soon as practicable after the assessment is given.
PWCS handles such notifications on an individual student basis.
Student Surveys
The school board must notify the parents of each student enrolled in a middle or high school selected for participation in the survey of student health risk behaviors that their child may be randomly selected to participate in the survey unless the parent denies consent for the student's participation in writing before administration of the survey. Parents also have the right to review the survey before its administration.
PWCS will provide notice at least 30 days before the administration of the survey.
Policy Reference: Regulation 612-1, "Program Evaluation and Research Activities: Research/Surveys/Evaluations"; Policy 795, "Student Privacy and Parental Access to Information"; Regulation 795-1, "Student Privacy and Parental Access to Information"
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Virginia law requires that school divisions provide the family of each student information on enrolling in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). View the SNAP information sheet from the Virginia Department of Social Services (Word).
Tobacco and Nicotine Vapor Products
Every school division must annually provide educational information to parents of students in grades K-12 regarding the health dangers of tobacco and nicotine vapor products. Visit the Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Use Prevention webpage from Health Smart Virginia for parent resources.
Teacher Qualifications
Divisions that receive Title I funds must notify the parents of each student attending any school receiving Title I funds that the parents can request, and the division will provide, information regarding the professional qualifications of their child's classroom teachers. Further, school divisions are required to send notifications to parents in Title I schools if their children are taught for four or more weeks by a teacher who is not properly licensed in Virginia to teach the class to which the students are assigned.
PWCS handles all such notifications on an individual student basis. Information regarding the professional qualifications of the division's teachers can be obtained through the Human Resources Department.
Testing Transparency and Parent Opt-Out
Divisions that receive Title I funds shall notify the parents of each student attending any school receiving Title I funds that parents can request, and the division will provide, policy information regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by the state or division, including information about the parental right to opt a child out of an assessment, where applicable. Additionally, divisions that receive Title I funds will widely publicize information on each assessment required by the state or division.
PWCS handles all such notifications on an individual student basis. PWCS provides general information about assessments on our Tests Administered by PWCS webpage. State expectations for student learning and achievement can be accessed through the Virginia Department of Education's Virginia SOL Assessment Program webpage.
Vision and Hearing Screening
Vision and hearing screenings are required by Virginia law for all new students to PWCS and for students in grades kindergarten, 3, 7, and 10. Screenings are conducted by the school nurses within 60 days of starting school. When appropriate, referrals for follow up with a private health care provider will be sent home. School nurses may also check vision and hearing when requested by educators, parents, or students. If you have updated information about the vision or hearing of your student from your health care provider, please call the school nurse or send a copy of the report. Parents can exclude students by contacting the school nurse in writing. View the Vision and Hearing Screening, Scoliosis Fact Sheet (PDF).
Voluntary Retirement Savings Programs
Divisions that have 403(b) retirement plans must notify employees about the plan.
To learn more about retirement benefits for Prince William County employees, please contact the Benefits and Compensation Department at 703-791-8050 or [email protected], or visit the Employee Benefits webpage and click on the "Retirement Plans/ROP" tab.
Wellness Policies
Divisions must inform the public about the content and implementation of the local school wellness policy. Divisions must also inform the public about progress toward meeting the goals of the policy and compliance with the policy through a triennial assessment.
Policy Reference: Policy 275, "Wellness"
Required Public Hearings
Budget Hearings
Before the School Board approves its budget for submission to the appropriating body, the board must hold at least one public hearing to hear the views of the citizens. Public notice of the hearing must be given at least seven days before the hearing in a newspaper having a general circulation in the division.
Visit the Budget Updates webpage to view information about the budget and public hearings.
Required Postings
- Alternatives to Animal Dissection
- Bill of Rights
- Child Abuse Reporting
- Comprehensive Plan
- Fair Labor Standards Act
- Family and Medical Leave Act
- Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
- Minimum Wage
- National Motto
- Online Courses and Programs
- Pregnancy, Childbirth and Related Medical Conditions
- Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
- Virginia Unemployment Compensation Act
- Workers' Compensation
Alternatives to Animal Dissection
School boards must provide notice that they provide alternatives to animal dissection.
PWCS provides such notice in relevant science course syllabi. Additionally, teachers bring attention to alternatives at relevant times during the school year.
Bill of Rights
All school boards in Virginia shall prominently post the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States in a conspicuous place in each of their schools for all students to read.
In accordance with the Acts of Assembly of 2002, the Bill of Rights is posted in a noticeable place in all Prince William County Public Schools.
Policy Reference: Policy 919.01, "Posting of Certain Statements in Public Schools"
Child Abuse Reporting
A notice must be posted in each school regarding suspicion of child abuse or neglect and subsequent reporting.
In each of its schools, PWCS posts the Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) poster, A Guide for School Employees to Recognize and Report Child Abuse, which includes the VDSS toll-free child abuse and neglect hotline.
Policy Reference: Policy 771, "Child Abuse and Child Neglect Reporting"; Regulation 771-1, "Child Abuse and Child Neglect Reporting Procedures"
Comprehensive Plan
Before the adoption of the division's comprehensive plan (referred to by PWCS as the "strategic plan") or revisions thereto, the plan or revisions must be posted on the division's website, and a hard copy of the plan must be made available for public inspection and copying. Each school board must present a report to the public by November 1 of each odd-numbered year on the extent to which the objectives of the division's comprehensive plan have been met during the previous two school years.
Prince William County Public Schools' current strategic plan, Launching Thriving Futures PWCS Vision 2025, along with relevant reports and presentations, can be found on the division's Strategic Planning Process and Reports webpage.
Fair Labor Standards Act
All employers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), including school divisions, must post a notice explaining the Act in a conspicuous place in all of their establishments so as to permit employees to readily read it.
In each of its schools and facilities, PWCS posts a copy of the FLSA Minimum Wage poster, Employee Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (PDF), from the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.
Family and Medical Leave Act
Each employer of 50 or more employees shall post, in conspicuous places in the workplace, a notice regarding Employee Rights and Responsibilities Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (PDF).
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
Employers are required to post, in a conspicuous location in the workplace where notices to applicants and employees are customarily posted, a notice approved by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regarding the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, which protects employees from discrimination on the basis of genetic information.
PWCS posts the Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law (PDF) poster, prepared by the EEOC, which summarizes the federal laws that prohibit job discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, equal pay, disability, or genetic information.
Minimum Wage
Each employer must post a notice prepared or approved by the U.S. Secretary of Labor regarding the minimum wage law in conspicuous places on the workplace premises.
In each school and facility, PWCS posts a copy of the FLSA Minimum Wage poster, Employee Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (PDF), the contents of which are prescribed by the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.
National Motto
All school boards in Virginia shall prominently post the statement, "In God We Trust," the National Motto enacted by Congress in 1956, in a conspicuous place in each of their schools for all students to read.
In accordance with the Acts of Assembly of 2002, the National Motto is posted in a noticeable place in all Prince William County Public Schools.
Policy Reference: Policy 919.01, "Posting of Certain Statements in Public Schools"
Online Courses and Programs
Divisions must post information regarding online courses and programs available through the division on their website.
PWCS posts information about virtual learning opportunities on its Virtual Prince William website.
Policy Reference: Regulation 630.02-2, "Virtual High School"
Pregnancy, Childbirth and Related Medical Conditions
School Boards must post in a conspicuous location and include in any employee handbook information concerning an employee’s rights to reasonable accommodation for known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. Such information must also be directly provided to new employees and to any employee within 10 days of such employee’s giving notice to the employer that she is pregnant.
Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
Employers are required to provide employees with notice of their rights, benefits, and obligations under the Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). Employers may provide the notice by posting Your Rights Under USERRA (PDF), where employee notices are customarily placed, or employers may provide the notice to employees in other ways that will minimize costs while ensuring that the full text of the notice is provided.
Virginia Unemployment Compensation Act
All employers in Virginia, including school divisions, must post all notices related to unemployment insurance furnished by the Virginia Employment Commission. State law requires that such notice, in the form of the Virginia Employment Commission Notice to Workers (PDF), be posted in a place visible to all workers.
Workers' Compensation
School divisions must post, at a location frequented by employees, the Workers' Compensation Notice (PDF) prepared by the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission as notice of compliance with the provisions of the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act.