Get to know the closing/delayed opening conditions used in PWCS to explain how the weather has affected schools and activities. View Frequently Asked Questions
Code Red: Schools closed for students and employees. (Exception: Inclement Weather Employees)
"All Prince William County Public Schools and Offices will be closed Code Red."
- Schools and offices are closed.
- Virtual classes are canceled.
- The School Age Child Care (SACC) program will not open.
- All school activities (day and evening) are canceled including field trips, team practices, club meetings, interscholastic contests, and athletic contests.
- All non-school activities (day and evening) are canceled including Adult Education, evening school classes, and recreational programs scheduled in school buildings.
- Students may use the day optionally to catch-up or voluntarily work on assignments already assigned.
Regulation 405-1- Employees do not report for work unless declared inclement weather employees. Those designated as inclement weather personnel will report at times specified to perform essential duties as dictated by the event. Refer to Regulation 405-1 for more information on Inclement Weather Employees.
- Teaching staff may voluntarily elect, but are not required, to employ "telework" or other work-at-home strategies to enter data, grade student papers, or otherwise supplement their normal work efforts (per Regulation 561-1, "Telework"). Time spent in this manner is strictly voluntary and shall not be counted against contract hours or otherwise compensated.
- All professional development activities – including virtual – are canceled.
Code Orange: Remote Learning Day for students and remote work for employees
"All Prince William County Public Schools are operating on Code Orange."
- Remote (virtual) learning day for students and remote work for non-essential employees.
- Student attendance will be taken.
- Remote classes will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- School buildings and office buildings are closed.
- Buses will not operate.
- Students enrolled in Virtual Prince William and Virtual Virginia should follow their normal schedule.
- The School Age Child Care (SACC) program will not open.
- All in-person school activities (day and evening) are canceled including field trips, team practices, club meetings, interscholastic contests, and athletic contests.
- Remote (virtual) student activities may occur.
- All non-school activities (day and evening) are canceled including Adult Education, evening school classes, and community use, including recreational programs scheduled in school buildings.
- All employees on the teacher scale are required to employ telework to provide remote instruction.
- All administrators and all classified employees are required to telework during normal work hours.
- Employees whose jobs cannot be done remotely (e.g., Food and Nutrition, Transportation, Facilities) will receive specific instructions from their supervisor.
- Inclement weather employees are expected to report.
- Professional development activities may occur remotely. The department or school sponsoring the activity shall provide information regarding professional development requirements to their respective staff members.
- Visit the Code Orange Launchpad page for more information.
- Refer to Regulation 405-1 for more on inclement weather employees.
Code Green: Schools closed for students and teachers
"All Prince William County Public Schools will be closed Code Green."
- Schools are closed. Offices are closed to the public.
- Virtual classes are canceled.
- The School Age Child Care (SACC) program will not open.
- All school activities (day and evening) are canceled including field trips, team practices, club meetings, interscholastic contests, and athletic contests.
- All non-school activities (day and evening) are canceled including Adult Education, evening school classes, and recreational programs scheduled in school buildings.
- Students may use the day optionally to catch-up or voluntarily work on assignments already assigned.
- All employees on the teacher salary scale (pay grade 12) and less-than-250-day non-exempt employees do not report for work.
- All 250-day classified employees report to work at 10 a.m.
- School-based/central office administrators report to work at 10 a.m. (pay grade 13 and above, including Principals, Assistant Principals, High School Directors of Student Activities, and High School Directors of School Counseling, and central office administrators.)
- Admin Interns do not report.
- Teaching staff may voluntarily elect, but are not required, to employ "telework" or other work-at-home strategies to enter data, grade student papers, or otherwise supplement their normal work efforts (per Regulation 561-1, "Telework"). Time spent in this manner is strictly voluntary and shall not be counted against contract hours or otherwise compensated.
- Inclement weather employees report on time. Refer to Regulation 405-1 for more information on Inclement Weather Employees.
- Liberal Leave is in Effect – Employees may request approval to take leave in the event of extreme weather or a similar emergency which prevents them from safely reporting.
- Professional development activities may be canceled so check with the department or school sponsoring the activity.
*The Superintendent has the authority to delay the reporting time of all school division employees.
Two-Hour Delayed Opening: Schools will open two hours late
"All Prince William County Public Schools will open two hours late."
- In-person and virtual PWCS classes will begin two hours late. Check with your school for specific bell times.
- A.M. bus transportation will operate on a two-hour delay.
- The School Age Child Care (SACC) program will open two hours late.
- A simplified breakfast will be offered. Lunch will be served.
- Field trips are canceled.
- Athletic activities will be decided by appropriate personnel on an individual basis depending on road conditions.
- Morning and full-day preschool students will follow the two hours late arrival. Morning preschool students will be dismissed one hour later than the regular schedule. Afternoon preschool students will arrive one hour later than usual.
*Parents/guardians please do not bring students to school early when a delayed opening is in effect because school staff members may also be delayed in getting to school.
*Parents/guardians have the option of not sending their child to school. However, the student is expected to make up all assignments. Your student will not be penalized academically, and your student will be given an excused absence.
- All employees on the teacher salary scale (pay grade 12) and less-than-250-day non-exempt employees report for work or telework two hours late.
- Inclement weather employees report on time. Refer to Regulation 405-1 for more information on Inclement Weather Employees.
- Food and Nutrition employees report on time.
- Bus drivers, bus attendants, route managers, and dispatchers report to work one hour late.
- School-based/central office administrators (pay grade 13 and above) report to work or telework one hour late or at a specific time as directed by the Superintendent.
- All 250-day classified employees report to work or telework one hour late or at a specific time as directed by the Superintendent.
- Liberal Leave is in Effect – Employees may request approval to take leave in the event of extreme weather or a similar emergency which prevents them from safely reporting.
- Professional Development activities may be canceled so check with the department or school sponsoring the activity.
Early Closing: Schools will close one hour early
"All Prince William County Public Schools will close one hour early today."
- In-person and virtual school day will end one hour early.
- The after-school SACC program will not open.
- Buses will run in usual order.
- Morning preschool and full-day preschool students will be dismissed one hour earlier than the regular schedule. There will be no afternoon preschool.
- Lunch will be served.
- Field Trips are canceled unless already departed. Late activity bus runs are canceled.
- All school activities are canceled including team practices, club meetings, interscholastic contests, and athletic contests.
- All evening non-school activities are canceled.
Early Closing (One-Hour)
- Teachers, teacher assistants, library media assistants, sign language interpreters, and school nurses (employees whose primary responsibility is working with students) may be excused early by the principal.
- Administrative staff and all other non-exempt employees remain on the normal work schedule unless specifically excused by an announcement from the Superintendent.
Early Closing: Schools will close two hours early
"All Prince William County Public Schools will close two hours early today"
- In-person and virtual school day will end two hours early.
- The after-school SACC program will not open.
- Buses will run in usual order.
- Morning preschool and full-day preschool students will be dismissed two hours earlier than the regular schedule. There will be no afternoon preschool.
- Lunch will be served.
- Field Trips are canceled unless already departed. Late activity bus runs are canceled.
- All school activities are canceled including team practices, club meetings, interscholastic contests, and athletic contests.
- All evening non-school activities are canceled.
Early Closing (Two-Hour)
- Teachers, teacher assistants, library media assistants, sign language interpreters, and school nurses (employees whose primary responsibility is working with students) may be excused early by the principal.
- Administrative staff and all other non-exempt employees remain on the normal work schedule unless specifically excused by an announcement from the Superintendent.
Cancellation of After-School Activities and Evening Programs
"All activities scheduled in Prince William County Public Schools or on school grounds for this afternoon and evening are canceled."
- The School Age Child Care (SACC) program will close at 5 p.m.
- All afternoon and evening school activities are canceled including team practices, club meetings, interscholastic contests, and athletic contests.
- All evening non-school activities are canceled.
Cancellation of Weekend Activities
"All activities scheduled in Prince William County Public Schools or on school grounds for this weekend are canceled due to expected inclement weather conditions."
- All school activities are canceled including team practices, club meetings, interscholastic contests, and athletic contests.
- All non-school activities are canceled.
Cancellation of Saturday Activities
"All activities scheduled in Prince William County Public Schools or on school grounds for Saturday are canceled due to expected inclement weather conditions."
- All school activities are canceled including team practices, club meetings, interscholastic contests, and athletic contests.
- All non-school activities are canceled.
Cancellation of Sunday Activities
"All activities scheduled in Prince William County Public Schools or on school grounds for Sunday are canceled due to expected inclement weather conditions."
- All school activities are canceled including team practices, club meetings, interscholastic contests, and athletic contests.
- All non-school activities are canceled.