Summer Employment Dates
Elementary and Middle School
- Program: June 23-July 11, 2025
- Pre-summer workdays: June 18 and June 20
High School:
- Program: June 26-July 23, 2025
- Pre-summer workdays: June 24 and June 25
Discovery Enrichment:
- Program: July 14-25
Note: July 4th is a non-workday. Program dates and time may vary.
Summer positions are expected to be posted on the PWCS Jobs webpage beginning the second week of March.
Summer Employment Opportunities
Student Aide Positions ($15.83/hour)
Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) will be conducting a Summer Job Fair on Monday, March 24, 2025, 5:30-6:30 p.m. for summer Student Aide positions. The Student Aide positions are typically three-week long, part-time morning hours worked between June 23 and July 11. Additionally, there are two workdays, prior to the beginning of the program, on June 18 and 20. Dates may vary slightly depending on the school.
To be considered, applicants must:
- Be age 16 or older, as of June 18, 2025
- Complete an the Summer School Classified application.
- Obtain one completed reference from an individual familiar with your performance (e.g., current/former teacher or school administrator).
- If a valid email address is included in your employment application for the individual(s) you are requesting a reference from, the system will automatically email them an electronic reference link to complete the reference (this is the preferred method).
- Another option is to provide your current/former teacher or administrator a PWCS student reference form (PDF). They may complete and forward the reference form to the PWCS Human Resources Department.
- Attend the job fair held on March 24, 2025, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Student Aide Summer Application Procedures (PDF)
Student Aide Summer Job Fair Flyer (PDF)
All Other Summer School Positions - Posted in Late February
Summer school positions will be posted, by location, on the PWCS job postings website.
Certified Teachers and Librarians
- Complete an online Summer School Certified application.
- View the job postings for position requirement information.
Teacher Assistants, Administrative Assistant, Office Assistant
Applicants must:
- Be 18 years or older and meet the specifications in the job description;
- Complete the Summer School Classified application and apply for the specific position(s) and location(s) in which they are interested; and
- Obtain a professional reference completed by your most recent supervisor.
- If a valid email address is included in your employment application for the supervisor(s) you are requesting a reference from, the system will automatically email them an electronic reference link. Once the reference is completed, the form will instantly upload to your application file (this is the preferred method).
- Another option is to provide your current supervisor with a paper reference form (PDF) They may complete and forward the form to the PWCS Human Resources Department.
Current PWCS employees applying for summer school positions only need to complete the application and are not required to submit additional documentation.