The Prince William County School Board will hold a Public Meeting on the Superintendent’s Proposed FY 2025 Budget on Monday, February 12, 2024. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m., at the Kelly Leadership Center, located at 14715 Bristow Road, Manassas, Virginia and is open to the public. Pursuant to School Board Policy 139, “School Board Member Participation in Meetings by Electronic Communication,” one or more School Board Member(s) may participate in this meeting through electronic means from his/her home due to a medical condition, to care for a family member with a medical condition, or for personal reasons that prevents his/her physical attendance. If so, the Clerk will so note in the minutes of the meeting.

Citizens may request to be placed on the list of speakers by submitting the Public Meeting Citizen Comment Time request form or contacting the Clerk at 703-791-8709 prior to noon on February 12, 2024. Speakers are limited to three minutes each, with an additional time allowance provided for speakers requiring translation assistance, as determined at the discretion of the Chairman At-Large. Speakers who require interpreter services must notify the Clerk of the same and provide their name and contact information at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

All speakers must provide their address and phone number or email address in order to verify their residency in Prince William County and permit the Clerk to contact residents if necessary. Residents of the county with no fixed address may also add their name to the list of speakers and shall provide the Clerk with a means to contact them.

Wish to submit a written or electronic statement?

Citizens may also provide input to the Board on agenda items or other topics germane to the operations and policies of PWCS in the following ways:

  • By accessing the Public Comment Form.
  • By mail to the School Board Office, P.O. Box 389, Manassas, VA 20108, or by delivery to the Edward L. Kelly Leadership Center, 14715 Bristow Road, Manassas, VA 20112.
  • By email addressed to the entire Board at [email protected], or to individual School Board members at the email addresses listed on the School Board website.
  • By submitting a video statement using the file uploader.

Wish to watch the public meeting remotely?

Citizens may watch the School Board meeting at and clicking on the “Watch Live” link, or by watching Comcast channel 18 or Verizon Fios channel 36.

View the agenda.