Virtual and In-Person Earth Week in PWCS Go for the Green!

The Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) Energy and Sustainability Office would like to share a calendar of activities for Earth Week, which is from April 19-23, 2021.

The PWCS community is encouraged to celebrate Earth Week by participating in at least one activity per day, whether at home or school, virtual or in-person. The Earth Week Activities Calendar is available to download on the PWCS Energy and Sustainability website. The activities in this calendar are optional. Each day has a different focus and includes science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) activities related to exploring the natural and built environment. General sustainability concepts are also introduced.

Share your activities by posting action pictures and videos to social media. On Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter posts, tag or mention your school, @PWCSNews, and @PWCSEnergyTeam. Also, please include #PWCSEarthWeek.

If you would like more information on Earth Week or any other energy conservation and sustainability related topics, please follow @PWCSEnergyTeam on social media or email PWCS Energy and Sustainability at [email protected].

By celebrating Earth Week together, we can make an impact on the environment and contribute toward a more sustainable future.