In October 2022, a passionate group of students at Woodbridge High School began to turn their environmental project into a real event. By June 2023, the Riverkeeper 5K Race took place to raise money for the Potomac Riverkeeper Organization.
Kate Buswell, founder of the race and student at Woodbridge High, started forming the idea when she reached out to Andrew McCarthy, a teacher at the school, to ask if he knew of any environmental projects that she could get involved with to expand her community service. Once the preliminary planning of the race was completed, they expanded the group to include eight students.
Together, they sorted out the details of the event and gathered sponsorships from local businesses to fund and promote the event. By the time of the event, they had secured four sponsorships from Brittany's Restaurant, Lake Ridge Golf Course, The Bee Store, and Lake Ridge State Farm.
Over 60 people participated in the Riverkeeper 5K Race and the Mudkeeper Mile. The students raised over $1,500 for the Potomac Riverkeeper Organization, which exceeded their original goal of $1,000. Other students from Woodbridge High, including the track team, volunteered on the day of the event.
Buswell explained that the event was a hit, and they hope to turn it into a recurring race every year. The group has big ambitions to raise even more money for the nonprofit next year.