Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) provides a comprehensive science program from kindergarten to grade 12. Instruction is aligned to the 2018 Virginia Department of Education Science Standards of Learning.
Students have an opportunity to:
- Take enriched and advanced courses, as listed in the PWCS Middle and High School Course Catalogs
- Apply to school-specific STEM specialty programs
- Enroll in summer Discovery enrichment STEM summer camps
- Compete at the Prince William-Manassas Regional Science and Engineering Fair.
Students demonstrate mastery of their learning on Virginia assessments in grades 5 and 8, and are required to earn a verified credit toward graduation by passing one high school "End-of Course" state science assessment.
Safety of the learning environment is our priority; all stakeholders are expected to adhere to the rules of the "PWCS Science Instructional Safety Agreements."
The PWCS Student Learning Department supports our students, teachers, and instructional leaders by:
- Providing division-approved core and supplemental instructional materials
- Developing pacing and unit guides for core science courses, and unit and benchmark assessments
- Offering professional development on best evidence- and research-based practices
- Supporting Virginia Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences, PWCS Environmental Literacy Plan, Irene V. Hylton Planetarium at C.D. Hylton High School, and the observatory at Forest Park High School
- Sponsoring the Prince William-Manassas Regional Science and Engineering Fair in partnership with Leidos and the I-66 Mobile Partners