Multi-Tiered System Of Supports

Multi-Tiered System of Supports

What is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports?

Multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) is an adaptive and responsive framework that helps schools identify and provide targeted supports for students who are struggling academically and/or behaviorally.

The focus is to identify students by name, strength, and need, while providing differentiated instruction and the necessary academic, behavior, and social-emotional wellness supports for all students across all schools. In PWCS, MTSS is built upon strong and intentional collaboration, enhanced by the belief that all students can learn at high levels.

PWCS will implement coherent, articulated, aligned, culturally, and linguistically responsive instructional practices and learning pathways across all grade levels and content areas, focusing on improving the academic progress of English learners and students with disabilities.

What are the Key Components of MTSS?
  • Student Support Team (SST) with identified leader to guide MTSS implementation
  • Culture of collective responsibility for all students
  • High-quality Tier 1 core instruction for academics, behavior, and student social-emotional wellness
  • Goal setting and monitoring student progress
  • Data informed decision making across the tiers
  • Early implementation of evidence-based interventions with fidelity
  • Families as authentic partners to support student success


Dr. Darwin Barker
Director of Tiered Intervention and Supports
[email protected]

Desmond T. Dawkins
Supervisor MTSS
[email protected]

Justine Robertson
Coordinator MTSS
[email protected]

Kim Gardziel
Coordinator Supporting MTSS/OG
[email protected]

This is a three-level triangle representing that 80% of students are at the primary level of prevention (core curriculum), 15% of students are at the secondary level of prevention (intervention), and 3-5% are at the tertiary level of prevention (intensive intervention).
  • Tier 3: MTSS team problem solves and plans for individual students in need of intensive intervention in foundational academic and behavioral skills.
  • Tier 2: Identify students by name and need. Collaborative learning teams and the MTSS team provide additional time and support to re-teach essential academic, behavior standards for small groups of students.
  • Tier 1: Collaborative Learning Teams ensure access to essential content standards. MTSS team ensures the development of academic and behavior skills for all students. Teachers and related staff proactively provide preventions.