Historical SAT Data for Graduating Seniors

Beginning with class of 2023-24, all PWCS students were offered the opportunity to take the SAT at no cost during the school day.

Five Year Historical Summary

Prince William County, Virginia, and Global Summary

Prince William, Virginia, and Global Summary by Race/Ethnicity
Section Year PWCS Virginia Global
# Tested Mean # Tested Mean # Tested Mean
2019-20 3,618 557 58,485 567 1,849,197 528
2020-21 2,756 559 38,927 584 1,509,133 533
2021-22 2,797 559 46,594 572 1,737,678 529
2022-23 2,582 566 47,211 569 1,913,742 520
2023-24 4,955 520 49,631 564 1,973,891 519
Math 2019-20 3,618 538 58,485 549 1,849,197 523
2020-21 2,756 538 38,927 567 1,509,133 528
2021-22 2,797 534 46,594 552 1,737,678 521
2022-23 2,582 537 47,211 544 1,913,742 508
2023-24 4,955 489 49,631 537 1,973,891 505
Total 2019-20 3,618 1095 58,485 1116 1,849,197 1051
2020-21 2,756 1097 38,927 1151 1,509,133 1060
2021-22 2,797 1093 46,594 1124 1,737,678 1050
2022-23 2,582 1103 47,211 1113 1,913,742 1028
2023-24 4,955 1,009 49,631 1,101 1,973,891 1,024

Five Year Historical Summary - By Race/Ethnicity

Prince William County, Virginia, and Global Summary - By Race/Ethnicity

Prince William, Virginia, and Global Summary
Student Group Year Evidence-Based Reading/Writing Math Total
PWCS Virginia Global PWCS Virginia Global PWCS Virginia Global
Asian 2019-20 574 608 585 580 632 632 1154 1241 1217
2020-21 584 620 597 592 644 642 1176 1246 1239
2021-22 583 614 596 588 634 633 1171 1248 1229
2022-23 587 614 593 582 628 626 1169 1242 1219
2023-24 558 613 599 548 622 629 1106 1236 1228
Black 2019-20 520 496 473 495 472 454 1015 967 927
2020-21 527 517 477 498 492 457 1025 1009 934
2021-22 528 504 474 497 477 452 1024 981 926
2022-23 528 493 466 493 464 441 1020 957 908
2023-24 504 494 467 470 461 440 974 956 907
Hispanic 2019-20 533 542 491 516 523 478 1048 1065 969
2020-21 533 554 490 513 534 477 1046 1088 967
2021-22 510 542 491 510 520 473 1051 1062 964
2022-23 547 539 482 519 510 461 1066 1049 943
2023-24 495 532 481 464 501 458 958 1033 939
White 2019-20 587 588 557 563 565 547 1150 1153 1104
2020-21 585 597 562 563 574 550 1148 1172 1112
2021-22 546 588 556 546 560 543 1120 1148 1098
2022-23 588 588 550 554 557 532 1142 1145 1082
2023-24 570 587 551 534 554 532 1104 1142 1083

Prince William County Summary - By School

Prince William Summary by School
High School Year # Tested Evidence-Based
Math Total
Battlefield 2019-20 581 586 567 1153
2020-21 479 573 548 1121
2021-22 486 574 550 1124
2022-23 406 583 559 1142
2023-24 482 567 543 1111
Brentsville District 2019-20 122 565 544 1109
2020-21 122 555 522 1077
2021-22 122 555 522 1077
2022-23 87 567 534 1101
2023-24 167 533 507 1041
Colgan 2019-20 459 569 543 1112
2020-21 361 580 535 1115
2021-22 361 580 534 1114
2022-23 353 582 542 1124
2023-24 612 542 497 1038
Forest Park 2019-20 297 559 542 1102
2020-21 284 549 536 1085
2021-22 287 548 534 1083
2022-23 260 558 543 1101
2023-24 409 523 496 1020
Freedom 2019-20 156 495 473 968
2020-21 67 496 475 971
2021-22 71 494 473 966
2022-23 51 495 456 951
2023-24 324 450 415 865
Gainesville 2022-23 108 563 525 1088
2023-24 372 535 501 1036
Gar-Field 2019-20 201 514 508 1022
2020-21 98 525 487 1012
2021-22 101 525 487 1012
2022-23 92 522 495 1018
2023-24 303 471 435 907
Hylton 2019-20 288 538 513 1051
2020-21 168 526 495 1021
2021-22 172 525 493 1018
2022-23 165 542 512 1054
2023-24 344 499 470 969
Osbourn Park 2019-20 341 588 572 1160
2020-21 307 589 562 1151
2021-22 305 592 565 1156
2022-23 309 592 567 1159
2023-24 461 551 527 1078
Patriot 2019-20 459 577 557 1133
2020-21 423 570 557 1127
2021-22 428 571 558 1129
2022-23 350 577 548 1125
2023-24 450 555 533 1088
Potomac 2019-20 254 503 487 991
2020-21 138 507 479 986
2021-22 139 507 483 991
2022-23 123 528 496 1024
2023-24 419 474 441 915
Unity Reed 2019-20 165 536 509 1045
2020-21 84 537 523 1060
2021-22 91 534 519 1053
2022-23 69 548 518 1066
2023-24 164 471 443 914
Woodbridge 2019-20 292 552 532 1084
2020-21 224 549 525 1074
2021-22 231 550 525 1075
2022-23 208 543 517 1060
2023-24 433 516 489 1005
Division 2019-20 3,618 557 538 1095
2020-21 2,756 559 538 1097
2021-22 2,797 559 534 1093
2022-23 2,582 566 537 1103
2023-24 4,955 520 489 1009

Data reflect 2024 high school graduates who took the new SAT during high school. If a student took the SAT more than once, the most recent score and self-reported SAT questionnaire responses are summarized.

*Scores provided by College Board