Prince William County Public Schools

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) College Bound Seniors*
Graduating Seniors: 2022-23

Prince William County, Virginia, and Global Summary

Total number of students and mean scores by race/ethnicity
PWCS Virginia Global
# Tested Mean # Tested Mean # Tested Mean
2,582  566 47,211  569 1,913,742  520
Math 2,582  537 47,211  544 1,913,742  508
Total 2,582 1103 47,211 1113 1,913,742 1028

Prince William County, Virginia, and Global Summary - By Race/Ethnicity

Total number of students tested and mean scores for Prince William County, Virginia, and Global
Evidence-Based Reading/Writing Mathematics Total
Student Group PWCS Virginia Global PWCS Virginia Global PWCS Virginia Global
Asian 587 614 593 582 628 626 1169 1242 1219
Black 528 493 466 493 464 441 1020 957 908
Hispanic 547 539 482 519 510 461 1066 1049 943
White 588 588 550 554 557 532 1142 1145 1082

Prince William County Summary - By School

Total number of Prince William County students and mean scores by school.
High School # Tested Evidence - Based
Reading /Writing
Math Total
Battlefield 406 583 559 1142
Brentsville District 87 567 534 1101
Colgan 353 582 542 1124
Forest Park 260 558 543 1101
Gainesville 108 563 525 1088
Gar-Field 92 522 495 1018
Hylton 165 542 512 1054
Osbourn Park 309 592 567 1159
Patriot 350 577 548 1125
Potomac 123 528 496 1024
Unity Reed  69 548 518 1066
Division 2,582 566 537 1103

Data reflect 2023 high school graduates who took the new SAT during high school. If a student took the SAT more than once, the most recent score is summarized. Demographic and school information align with student information in the PWCS student information system.

*Scores provided by College Board

**Scores will be posted when received