Information for Parents about SOL Testing
Dear PWCS Family,
The Virginia Board of Education and Department of Education (VDOE) have developed the Virginia Assessment Program to help measure students' academic progress in the Standards of Learning (SOLs). The SOLs indicate Virginia's expectations for what students should know and be able to do in the subject areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and history/social science. Copies of the SOLs are available online at the VDOE website.
Each year, students at various grade levels across the Commonwealth of Virginia participate in SOL testing or alternative assessments. The specific SOL tests or assessments in which students participate is determined by federal law or state regulations, which specify credit requirements for graduation. High school students typically participate in SOL testing when they need a qualifying score to earn verified credit toward graduation or satisfy participation requirements defined by federal law. According to VDOE, parents also may request to have their student participate in additional testing beyond what is required if they are enrolled in a course or previously passed a course.
If your student participates in SOL testing or assessment this school year, you will receive a report of their performance. This report will include a proficiency level for your student, as well as their score on each test or assessment in which they participate.
If you have questions about SOL testing, graduation requirements, or the process for requesting additional testing for your student, please contact your student's school.
Sincerest Regards,
Paul F. Parker, Ph.D.
Supervisor of Testing