Buy Maintenance Supplies from Our Distribution Center and Save!
Why order from Supply Services?
Maintenance supplies and hardware are high demand items that keep our workers safe, such as gloves and goggles as well as tools, lighting, and hardware to keep schools operating.
The cost to the school division is significantly less than your typical hardware store because we ask for bids on items that we buy in bulk.
There are no charges added for handling and delivery.
24 hour access to emergency supplies is another critical advantage to having a maintenance supplies section.
How to Order Hardware and Other Supplies
Supplies are ordered from the Distribution Center via the AMS AFIN computer application which may be accessed at every school and office. "Stock requisitions" are electronically transmitted to Supply Services where the requests are processed and the supplies delivered to the requesters, usually the next working day.
View Catalog of Hardware and Maintenance Supplies (PDF)
Maintenance Section sales for fiscal year 2015 were $544,000. Instructions for ordering supplies via an electronic stock requisition are available at every user location or can be obtained from Supply Services.
In addition to the electronic ordering process, an order for supplies may be hand carried to the Distribution Center where it will be filled while you wait. We try to reserve these "over the counter" transactions for emergencies because they are time consuming.
We encourage personnel in the schools and offices to let us know about the quality of the products we stock.
Also, if you know of a new product that you think may meet the above criteria (high demand, maintenance-related) for becoming a stock item, let us know and we will research the item and the requirement.
The criteria to stock an item in the warehouses are fairly stringent because there are no funds available to add items that have a risk of not selling. Therefore, to be stocked, an item must pass the following minimal tests.
- Must be a divisionwide requirement. (For example: all schools or all elementary schools, etc.)
- Potential usage rate per year warrants buying in large (bulk) quantities.
- The discount obtained by buying in bulk quantities is sufficient to warrant the expense of stocking in the warehouse.