Kaiser Permanente Medical Insurance
This health maintenance organization (HMO) plan provides care at Kaiser Permanente facilities located throughout Northern Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. Care received outside of the area is not covered, except for emergencies. Before considering this health plan, be sure to check on the Kaiser Permanente service centers available in your area.
All new PWCS employees will enroll in health, dental, and vision benefits electronically coincident with their seated start date. Log in to the Employee Self Service (ESS) to enroll in Medical Dental and Vision plans.
Enrollment for midyear changes for Medical, Dental Vision and Flexible Spending: Contact the Benefits and Compensation Department at [email protected] to request required forms.
All plan members enrolled in the PWCS Kaiser Permanente health plan will receive:
- Vision benefits through Kaiser Permanente Optical Centers
- Prescription coverage through Kaiser Permanente
Which Plan is Best for You?
To see how the Kaiser plan compares to our Anthem Health plans, visit Alex, our online Benefits Counselor. Start with ALEX to view all of your PWCS benefits, options, and rates. Spend as much or as little time as you like, at your convenience. If you have questions, ALEX has the answers.