How to Become an Approved PWCS Fundraiser
The Prince William County Public Schools' (PWCS) Purchasing Office has developed an approved fundraising services list titled Fundraising Services - Contract Listing, which outlines the approved PWCS fundraising providers to include, but not necessarily limited to, brochure sales, specialty sales, and cash and carry transactions on an "as needed" basis. This approved Fundraising Services Contract Listing list can be found at the following link on the PWCS website under Fundraising Services.
To be considered as an approved PWCS fundraising provider, please forward the following to the Purchasing Office contact, Chris Knoll, via email at [email protected]:
- Completed (typed or printed) and signed copy of the Fundraising Activities Contractor's Agreement (revised February 2020)
- Completed and signed copy of the Certificate of Compliance (revised August 2019)
- Completed copy of the Vendor Information Form
- Completed Company W-9 Form
- Completed Certificate of General Liability Insurance (ACORD 25 form); Vendors who manufacture the products to be sold during the fundraiser must also provide proof of Product Liability Insurance ($1,000,000).
- Copies/Samples of the following: Product/program brochures, order forms, parent letters and other promotional materials OR the internet link to online catalogs and information.
Please note the following:
- Schools must submit the Planned Fundraising Activities Form for all fundraising activities and shall be approved in advance by the school principal and the appropriate associate superintendent before sending to the Purchasing Office. Refer to PWCS Regulation 341-1 (dated December 4, 2019) for details regarding the Planned Fundraising Activities Form.
- For Online Solicitations and Crowdfunding Activities: no posting or soliciting on any crowdfunding service shall be permitted until the PWCS employee has submitted Online and Crowdfunding Activity Approval Form and submitted any requested information to his/her principal or central office supervisor as well as obtained all indicated approvals. Refer to PWCS Regulation 341-3 (dated December 4, 2019) for details regarding Online Solicitations and Crowdfunding Activities.
To do business with Prince William County Public Schools, vendors must register on our website. Instructions for registering are enclosed at the bottom of the Vendor Information Form.
Upon a thorough review of the information provided, if approved, a signed copy of the agreement will be returned to you for your records.
Your firm will remain on the approved Fundraising Services - Contract Listing until a written request has been received to have your firm removed. It is the sole responsibility of each vendor to update PWCS, in writing, as to any changes in contact names, phone numbers, fax numbers, addresses and email addresses in addition to different types of fundraising opportunities and products offered to PWCS.
Should you have any questions, please contact Chris Knoll at [email protected] or 703-791-8740.