Educational Sign Language Interpreting Services

Educational Sign Language Interpreting

Educational sign language interpreting means services, such as sign language transliteration and interpreting services, oral transliteration services, cued speech/language transliteration services, transcription services (such as communication access real-time translation (CART), C-Print, and TypeWell), and interpreting services for students who are deaf-blind which are provided by personnel who meet the qualifications set forth in the Virginia regulations.

Overview of Services

Educational sign language interpreters enable students to access the curriculum by supporting them in their general education classes in accordance with their IEP. Within the classroom environment, the interpreter accurately conveys all auditory information to the students who are deaf or hard of hearing. This includes all verbal information as well as environmental information. The interpreter will provide spoken English for the student's signs. All information gleaned from conferences or personal interactions is kept confidential. The interpreter is not a teacher, teacher assistant, or tutor; although during the early grades, the interpreter may sometimes act as an intervener. In this role, the interpreter provides additional support for young children as they become more proficient signers and as they begin to learn how to use an interpreter effectively.

In special education, interpreting is considered a related service. That is, some students require interpreting due to their primary disability of hearing impairment. Therefore, sign language interpreters within the school setting are considered related service providers. When students require a related service such as interpreting, this is documented on their Individualized Education Program (IEP).

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Heather Grim, Supervisor
[email protected] 

Donna Espinales, Administrative Assistant II
[email protected] 