The mission of the Research and Program Evaluation is to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of key initiatives and programs through the use of quantitative and qualitative research methods, and to provide results that inform policymakers and stakeholders' decisions regarding program improvement.
Research and Program Evaluation provides a variety of services, including the following:
- Conducting comprehensive evaluations of selected division and school programs and disseminating findings from those evaluations to stakeholders.
- Conducting the divisionwide surveys of stakeholders (staff, students, parents) in alignment with the Strategic Plan. Divisionwide survey results are provided to principals and the Superintendent's Staff for use in continuous improvement planning. Division-level results are posted for the public.
- Conducting the annual Customer Satisfaction Survey in which administrators (school-based and central office) provide feedback on the products and services provided by the central departments so that those departments can make improvements in response to the needs of their customers.
- Providing technical assistance to division staff in the design and conduct of evaluations and surveys.
- Providing professional development to school-based and central office staff in the effective use of data as well as in the use of evaluation tools and techniques to expand the evaluation capacity of staff.
- Reviewing external requests to conduct research in Prince William County Public Schools.
- Collaborating with the Grants Office in the review and development of grant proposals, with a particular focus on the evaluation components of the grants.
Research and Program Evaluation, while an internal office within Prince William County Public Schools, is committed to the objective evaluation of programs.
Professional program evaluators adhere to the Program Evaluation Standards, published by the Joint Committee on Standards in Educational Evaluation. These standards ensure that evaluations of educational programs have four basic attributes:
- Utility
- Feasibility
- Propriety
- Accuracy.
The Propriety Standards ensure a commitment to respect the confidentiality of participants in evaluations, as well as a complete and fair assessment and impartial reporting. The Accuracy Standards require that the data (both quantitative and qualitative) be appropriately and systematically analyzed and that the data are reliable and valid for the intended use. In addition, evaluators follow the Guiding Principles for Evaluators, adopted by the American Evaluation Association. These principles provide an expectation for ethical behavior by evaluators. The Program Evaluation Office works to ensure that the evaluations we conduct are balanced and fair.
Christina A. Kuriacose
[email protected]
Program Evaluation Coordinator
Dr. Lisa Wills Keister
[email protected]
Research Coordinator
Dr. Jennine Donaldson
[email protected]
Program Evaluation Specialist
Angela Albright-Ross
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Office Contact Information
Phone: 703-791-7277
Fax: 703-791-7412
Mailing Address:
Prince William County Public Schools
Data Analysis, Research, And Reporting Department
P.O. Box 389
Manassas, VA 20108
Physical Address:
14715 Bristow Road
Manassas, VA 20112