Mentoring and Induction

Welcome to Prince William County Public Schools!

Experienced Educators who are transferring to PWCS should meet with the school's Lead Mentor to be provided with proactive support while adjusting to the division. You might be matched with an informal mentor, depending on your needs.

Educators who are teaching for the first full year will be matched with school-based teacher-mentors (formal mentors), as that is a requirement from the Virginia Department of Education.

The PWCS Mentor Program for Novice Educators

Novice educators take part in a year-long, systematic induction and professional learning program that includes:

  • Networking
  • An August orientation
  • School-based mentoring and monthly sessions
  • Ongoing professional learning and induction at the central level

We are here to support you!

Eric W. Worcester
Supervisor of Talent, Growth, and Induction
[email protected]

Jeanie Noel
Professional Development Specialist
[email protected]

Tiffany Waite
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]

Components of the PWCS Mentor Program

Professional Learning

The Professional Learning Department supports schools by establishing a collaborative mentoring framework by providing training for lead mentors, mentors, and Educator Support Teams (ESTs). Additionally, we provide trainings and resources for school-based Educator Support Sessions (ESS) and content induction sessions. Team members also facilitate Mentor Program data collection and monitor overall system implementation.

Educator Support Teams

A school's EST is comprised of the lead mentor and other faculty members. Oftentimes the EST is part of the school's Leadership Team. The EST coordinates the mentor program at the building level. Each EST meets as needed and uses various data sources in addition to the Educator Support Session (ESS) curriculum to determine the focus and content of the school's Educator Support Sessions.

Educator Support Sessions

ESSs are responsive to the needs of novice teachers and new educators in each building. Each school's ESSs take place as specified by the school's EST and focuses on specific content and/or group problem-solving. The Professional Learning Department, in conjunction with stakeholder feedback and support, provides the ESS curriculum and supporting media.

Individual Mentoring

Individual mentoring is the backbone of the PWCS Mentor Program. Every zero-experienced teacher is matched with a mentor to provide guidance and non-evaluative support in response to each new teacher's needs as required by the Code of Virginia (Section 22.1-305.1).

Mentors must receive training through the PWCS Formal Mentor Academy. Mentor training takes place in a hybrid environment that combines face-to-face sessions with online modules.