Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register for SACC?
Registration takes place online and through the vendor, AlphaBEST Education.
When is SACC open during the school year?
The SACC program follows the PWCS school year calendar. View the SACC calendar information.
When can I register for camps?
PWCS offers winter, spring, and summer camps that require a separate registration and tuition amount. Please visit the registration site for current camp enrollment. These camps are held at different school sites and are open to all Prince William County Public Schools families.
How do I notify SACC that my child will not be attending in the afternoon?
Please leave a message on the SACC voicemail at your school before school dismissal.
How can I find out the status of the waiting list for my school?
AlphaBEST maintains the waiting list for each of the SACC locations. Please log on to your Parent Portal for updates or contact AlphaBEST at 703-334-1272.
How do I receive tax documentation and information?
Please contact AlphaBEST Education, or log on to your Parent Portal.
How do I make changes to my registration or withdraw my child from SACC ?
Any changes to your registration must go through AlphaBEST Education. Please contact your Area Manager or call AlphaBEST at 703-334-1272.
Is SACC open on teacher workdays?
SACC offers a full-day program on teacher workdays within the school year; however, some sites will be combined.
Is SACC open when schools are closed for inclement weather?
No, SACC will not open if PWCS are closed due to inclement weather. View the complete details in the Inclement Weather Plan.
How can I request an accommodation plan for my child with a disability?
Children with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in PWCS SACC before and/or aftercare programs, activities, and services. To request accommodations, please contact the PWCS SACC Supervisor, Glynis Taylor, at 703-791-8844 or [email protected], or the AlphaBEST Regional Director, Jessica Shillingburg, at 703-334-1272 or [email protected].