Attendance officers webpage banner with photo of a schoolbus

Attendance Officers

Mission Statement

The Attendance Officers are committed to assisting students in achieving their maximum potential by developing assets which lead to regular school attendance.


The goals of the Attendance Officers are:

  • To support the PWCS strategic plan of a minimum 95% average daily attendance  rate at each school.
  • To support on-time graduation and increase test scores through regular school attendance.
  • Empower parents and students with knowledge of community resources that can assist them to achieve regular school attendance.
  • To educate parents and students about the importance of regular school attendance and its role in the development of critical life skills.
  • To increase awareness in the school community regarding the emotional, social, and legal consequences of poor attendance, truancy, and dropping out of school.
  • To increase school connectedness.

Helping Students Follow the Path to Graduation

Attendance officers are based in each high school and provide service to elementary and middle schools. They ensure that Virginia's compulsory attendance laws are enforced and are instrumental in implementing the school division's Comprehensive Inter-Agency Truancy Prevention/Intervention Plan. Other duties are:

  • Working with students, parents, and staff regarding problems which may interfere with student progress in school.
  • Making home visits, performing residency checks, and following up on home instruction compliance, as requested.
  • Participating in the Family Assessment and Planning Team.
  • Developing action plans for truant students as mandated by state law.
  • Conducting in-school truancy conferences with parents, students, and staff.
  • Referring all suitable cases to appropriate school and community resources.
  • Representing the school division in truancy cases in juvenile court.

Tips for Parents

Your attitude toward school attendance and the importance of education sets the tone for your child's attitude. Let your child know that you value education.

  • Establish a regular bedtime for your child and help your child prepare for the next school day the night before.
  • Stress the importance of arriving to school and class on time and assist your child with developing good time management skills.
  • Try to schedule doctor, dentist, and other appointments before and after school.
  • A signed note by the parent stating the reason for absence is the preferred form of verification and parents should ensure school has notification by the second day after returning to school. Alternate means of notification is accepted based upon the individual school's practices.
  • Do not engage in enabling behavior such as writing notes for absences or tardies that are not legitimate.
  • Become involved in your child's academic career by enrolling and accessing Parent Portal. Contact your school for more information.
  • Work in partnership with the school, attend conferences, and school functions.
  • Encourage your child to participate in sports, clubs, and other healthy activities.
girl oversleeping in bed with alarm clock next to her head and someone reaching out to wake her up

What is Chronic Absenteeism?

Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10% or more of the academic year for any reason, including excused absences, unexcused absences, and suspensions. Based on a 180-day school year, that means approximately 18 days per year or 2 to 3 days per month.

What is Truancy?

Truancy is the act of accruing one or more unexcused absences, where the parent is unaware of or does not support the student's absence, or where the parent's provided reason for the absence is not acceptable to the school administration.

VDOE: Attendance & Truancy

Supervisor of Student Prevention Programs & Family Assistance