Middle School Programs

Middle School Specialty Programs

Multiple opportunities for students entering middle school are offered in Prince William County Public Schools. Nine middle schools in Prince William County offer specialty programs. These programs include the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP), Math and Sciences programs, Traditional Schools, and World Language programs.

Information Sessions

Specialty Program information nights are held in the fall and offer an overview of each program and the application process. Program specific information nights are held at each middle school.

Recorded Information Session

Email [email protected]
Phone 571-374-6410

Kelly Brown
[email protected]

Laura Evans
[email protected] 

Amy Hardt
[email protected]  

Lesley Cornwell
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions From Information Sessions

General Questions

To access the application, do I need to use my ParentVUE login information?

Yes, the parent/guardian of the student will need to login to ParentVUE to apply to the specialty program. The application can be found on the “Online Records” page towards the bottom.

If my child is also receiving Gifted, English Language, or Special Education services, will they continue at the transfer school?

Your child will receive the same level of services at their transfer school.

Can we apply to multiple schools/locations?

You can apply for up to three programs in your zoned school locations. You will need to rank your choices: first choice, second choice, and third choice.

If my child is not selected for their first choice, will they still be considered for their second choice?

Yes, a student will be considered for their second and third choice if they are not selected for their first choice.

If my student is already in a specialty program, do they need to apply for a specialty program in high school to get in?

Yes, a student needs to re-apply to attend a new specialty program in high school.

Are the individual school information sessions scheduled?

The individual school information sessions have been scheduled. You can find the dates and times for each information session through our website: www.pwcs.edu/specialtyprograms

If the program is not at your base school, will you complete all your courses at the school with the program?

Yes, you will be considered a transfer student if offered a seat in the program. As a transfer student, you will complete all courses at the specialty program school.

Do I need to reapply to the program each year?

Once offered a seat in the specialty program, you do not need to reapply to the same program each year. You will remain in the program for your duration as a student at that school.

Are bus times set for the bus stops yet? What time do middle schools normally dismissed? What time do middle schools start?

Specialty Program express bus stops have already been proposed for next school year. The bus times are set by transportation as the new school year approaches. You will need to identify your Express Bus stop location as part of the application process. Middle school dismissal can vary by school from 2:50 - 3 p.m. Middle school start times vary from 8:10 - 8:20 a.m. Please contact the school if you have a specific question about schedule times.

When applying to a specialty program, do I need to complete an application for all my children, or just the student who is applying?

You only need to complete an application for your student that is applying to a specialty program. You will need to submit a separate application for each child that is applying to a specialty program.

IB MYP (International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme) Questions

Do I need to apply for the middle school IB program, if I am already in an elementary IB program?

Yes, you will need to apply to the IB MYP specialty program and be offered a seat to participate in the program in middle school if it is outside your zoned area of attendance. In middle school, all students zoned for an IB middle school participate in the program and do not need to apply.

Do they study a language in IB MYP?

Students can study a language in the IB MYP program.

We are zoned for a school with an IB MYP program. Do we need to apply to the IB MYP program, or is this already offered to my student since it is their base school?

All students who are zoned for an IB MYP school participate in the program. Therefore, if it is your base school, you do not need to apply to the program.

Math and Science Program Questions

If the specialty program you are interested in is offered at the school you are zoned to attend, do you still have to follow this application process?

Yes, due to the limited seats in each specialty program, you must apply even if the specialty program is located at a school you are zoned for unless it is an IB MYP program.

How many seats are available in the Math and Science Programs at each school?

The number of seats available for transfer students in each program is determined by individual schools and is based on many factors. These factors include availability of space, number of teachers, student base school enrollment, number of students who have applied to the program, etc.

How would the curriculum for the math and science specialty program be different than what a student would get from the accelerated math pathway?

Please reach out the specialty program coordinator at your zoned math and science school to find out more information about the program. All schools follow the PWCS curriculum, but it is how the student may learn the material that looks different. Math and Science programs offer enrichment activities to students.

Same Gender Program Questions

Does the Same Gender Program have a specific focus?

In the Same Gender Program, students will be enrolled in same gender teams and have gender specific classes for their core academics. Core academic classes include English, math, science, and social studies.

If I am zoned for Woodbridge Middle School, do I need to apply for the Same Gender Program?

If you are interested in your student participating in the Same Gender Program, even though you are zoned for the school, your student will still need to apply to the program due to limited seats.

Traditional School Questions

If there are combined elementary/middle school programs and a rising 6th grader is accepted, is there a possibility to transfer younger sibling(s) as well?

The younger sibling would need to apply to the program and be offered a seat in it too.

How does the traditional school differ from other middle schools?

Traditional schools stress rigorous academic instruction, strong performance expectations, and high behavioral standards. They utilize research-based innovative instructional strategies within a framework of traditional education. Families and students are involved in facets of school life and must contribute a specified number of hours of service to the school. Students are required to wear uniforms.

How many seats are available in the Traditional School?

The number of seats that will be available in the remaining grade levels from year to year is dependent on availability since most students begin at the school during first grade.

World Language Program Questions

How much time in a day do they spend in the language program?

Students spend one block each year in their language program. The program allows students to receive one high school foreign language credit for work done in sixth and seventh grade and one high school credit for work done in eighth grade.

Do all the students at World Language schools participate in the program?

Due to limited seats in each program, students need to apply as rising sixth graders and be offered a seat in the program.

For World Language specialty programs, if we are interested in a language that is not offered at our specialty program school can we apply to transfer to another (i.e., German)?

No, all schools are zoned for specialty programs based on areas of attendance. You cannot apply to a specialty program outside of your assigned area.

Can you select the same school but a different language for specialty program choice #1 and #2?

Yes, you can choose a different language as program choice #1 and #2 when applying to a World Language specialty program.

Program Specific Information Nights

Dates, times, and locations for program specific information sessions can be found on the program pages below.

Middle School Specialty Programs