Student Management and Alternative Programs

Student Management and Alternative Programs Department

Student Management and Alternative Programs Department manages student discipline and nontraditional programs.

Student discipline includes conducting further disciplinary action hearings, readmission hearings, alternative placement appeal hearings, and criminal reassignment/disposition hearings.

The nontraditional programs include the following:

Vision Statement

The vision of the Student Management and Alternative Programs Department is to promote a safe and nurturing educational environment where all students, K-12 and adult learners, have the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential - academically, socially, and emotionally by utilizing multiple options within the system to receive appropriate services for success.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Student Management and Alternative Programs Department is to provide a variety of educational opportunities to meet the diverse needs of all students, K-12 and adult learners, through non-traditional education choices. This will be accomplished by:

  • Providing a continuum of services for K-12 students and adult learners that includes both options for self-selected choice and educational opportunities offered as a result of disciplinary issues;
  • Understanding that all students do not learn in the same way or at the same time;
  • Partnering with schools, home, and community to address the divergent needs of the whole student;
  • Advocating for a safe and nurturing environment for all students by creating non-traditional education opportunities that allow learning to take place which is free from violence, conflict, and unnecessary disruptions; and
  • Continuing to look at the changing needs of students and adjusting non-traditional education opportunities as needed to meet their needs.

Student Management and Alternative Programs Department's Goals

  • To provide a variety of educational opportunities that address the varied needs of students in grades K-12 and adult learners;
  • To promote a safe educational environment conducive to teaching and learning and free from violence, conflict, and unnecessary disruptions; and
  • To decrease the number of long-term removals through a process that provides increased non-traditional education opportunities.