School Counseling Services

Venn Diagram showing School Counseling in the middle with Social-Emotional, Academic, and College and Career all intersecting in the middle

School Counseling K-12

The comprehensive Prince William County Public Schools counseling program (K-12) is an essential and effective educational framework that will enable all students in our diverse population to acquire academic, career, and social-emotional competencies necessary to function and to contribute as productive citizens in a changing society.

PWCS School Counseling Standards

The Standards for School Counseling Programs in Virginia Public Schools reflect the progression of the student's growth throughout the preschool through grade 12 school experience, are organized by grade level, and are comprised of the following three domains: academic, career, and social-emotional.

Visit the following webpages to find valuable tools and resources to support students in these areas.

The Goal of a Comprehensive School Counseling Program

The ultimate goal of a Comprehensive School Counseling Program is to complement and support the state Standards of Learning to ensure that all students in pre-K through grade 12 receive support in academic, career, and personal/social development. The Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) Comprehensive School Counseling Program is a collaborative effort with parents, teachers, administrators, and other school and community members to foster, promote, and improve student success and achievement in our schools. In conjunction with the Office of Student Services and Post-Secondary Success, each Prince William County Public School shall establish a Comprehensive School Counseling Program which is based on the Virginia Department of Education Standards for School Counseling Programs (PDF) in Virginia Public Schools and the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) National Model (PDF).

Learn more about our school counseling programs:

Elementary (K-5)       Secondary (6-12)



Visit this directory page to find a comprehensive list of family resources to support the academic, career, and social-emotional development of all students in Prince William County Public Schools.