Back to School Packet Instructions

The Back to School Packet refers to the process at the beginning of each school year, where parents can review emergency and contact information for their student(s) and complete any annual policy reviews and acknowledgments. This process will be completed online through ParentVUE.

Accessing the Back to School Packet through ParentVUE

  1. Log in to the ParentVUE app or the ParentVUE website using your ParentVUE user name and password.

    If you need assistance with accessing your ParentVUE account, please contact your child's school.

  2. Once logged in to ParentVUE, click the Online Records button at the top of the screen.

    If using the app, click Online Records.

    Screenshot of ParentVUE page directing parents to select Online Records Tab
  3. On the Online Registration Home screen, select 2024-2025 Annual Back to School Packet.
    Screenshot of ParentVUE page directing parents to select Online Records Tab
  4. Click Continue to start the Back to School Packet process.

    Screenshot of Continue button in ParentVUE

Completing the Back to School Packet

This section will review each of the screens that you will see along with instructions on how to complete the information required for the Back to School Packet.

  • To navigate through the Back to School Packet, click Save and Continue at the bottom of each screen.
  • To return to a previous section, you may click the Back button from any screen or may select a module from the left navigation bar.

    Note: If using the app, the side menu is reached via the ≡ icon in the upper left-hand corner, you can also step through the screens by clicking continue at the bottom of the screen.

Welcome Screen

The Welcome screen provides basic information about the Back to School Packet. Please review this information before moving forward.

Student Summary Screen

The Student Summary screen lists all students who are associated with your parent account. If any information is incorrect or any students are missing, please contact your child's school before proceeding.

Signature Screen

When completing the Back to School Packet, you will be required to complete an electronic signature. Please enter your name exactly as it appears in the upper right corner of the screen. If your name is incorrect, please contact your child's school before proceeding with the Back to School Packet.

Home Address Screen

The Home Address screen displays the family's current home address. If the address has not changed, click Save and Continue; otherwise, select the *Check here if your address has changed checkbox, and follow the instructions on the screen to enter your new address.

* If the address has changed, you will be prompted to upload proof of your new address. School staff will review the address change to determine if you are still within the school boundaries and will contact you if additional information is needed. If the new address is outside of the school boundaries, you will be required to complete a transfer request.

Mail Address Screen

The Mail Address screen displays the current mailing address on file and may be updated if needed.

Parent/Guardian Demographics Screen

The Parent/Guardian Demographics screen displays general demographic information for the parent/guardian associated with the student record(s). Parents/guardians may update the following information on this screen:

  • Parent/guardian preferred language for written materials
  • Parent/guardian military-connected status and type of military service

Parent/Guardian: Contact Information Screen

The Parent/Guardian: Contact Information screen displays all phone numbers and the primary email address for the parent/guardian. Update this information as needed.

Parent/Guardian Screen

The Parent/Guardian screen displays all parents/guardians associated with one or more student record(s). To review each of the remaining parent records for accuracy, click the Edit button to the left of the parent's name. Additional parents/guardians may be added as necessary. Relationships to each student can be updated or defined later in the process. Users will not be able to move forward until all existing parent records have been reviewed, even if no changes are needed.

Parents may only update information for parents/guardians who reside at the same home address.

Emergency Screen

The Emergency screen lists all emergency contacts associated with one or more student record(s). Review each emergency contact record by clicking the Edit button to the left of the contact's name. Users will not be able to move forward until all existing contact records have been reviewed and/or deleted.

Please be sure to delete any duplicate emergency contact records.

Student Screen

The Student screen lists all actively enrolled students. Click the Edit button to the left of the student's name to review the student's information. All students must be reviewed in order to move forward with the Back to School Packet. The following Information may be updated for students:

  • Primary Residence (if address has changed)
  • House Type
  • Student Phone Numbers
  • Student Preferred/Nickname
  • Student's Personal Email
  • Homeless status
  • Health Insurance
  • Physician/Dentist Information
  • Health information (Health Conditions, Medications)
  • Emergency Contacts
  • PWC Policies and Acknowledgements
  • Proof of Residency and ID Document Upload

Documents Screen

The Documents screen will display a list of all documents that will need to be provided to the school based on changes made during the completion of the Back to School Packet. The documents needed may include:

  • Proof of Residency - required when the home address has changed.
  • Proof of Immunization - required based on the student's age and/or grade level in accordance with the Virginia Department of Health immunization requirements.
  • Special Custody Documents - required if the student's custody status has been updated.

Back to School Packet forms will be available at the bottom of the screen. You may print these documents for your records. A copy does not need to be sent to the school as the documents will be sent electronically.


All Back to School Packets must be reviewed before they can be submitted to the school. To review the Back to School Packet, click the Review button. Review all changes made on the Review/Submit screen. Changes are highlighted for easy reference.

If any additional changes are needed, click the Edit button to the left of the section heading to be taken to the specific page to make the updates. Once the edit has been made, click Save and Continue to return to the Review/Submit screen.

Once the Back to School Packet review has been completed, check the box indicating I have reviewed all registration data and verified that is correct and click Submit.

A confirmation message will appear, advising that additional changes cannot be made once the Back to School Packet has been submitted. To return to the Review/Submit screen, click Cancel; otherwise, click OK.