Summer Residential Governor's Schools

Applications for Summer 2025

Applications and specific information for summer 2025 programs are now available. Please ensure you download both the application and the teacher recommendations.

For 10th and 11th grade students interested in applying to 2024-25 programs

Virginia Summer Residential Governor's Schools are programs for current 10th and 11th grade students. The programs are sponsored by the Virginia Department of Education and draw students from across the Commonwealth. Each program lasts approximately one month and is held at a Virginia college/university. The programs are free for students (except for a nominal student activities fee that can be waived based on need). Visit the state Summer Residential Governor's School website. For detailed information, view the Summer Residential Governor’s Schools Student Handbook (PDF). The following programs are available:


Held at Radford University, the Humanities program gives the students the opportunity to further their understanding of topics such as anthropology, economics, history, literature, media, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology. The program accepts approximately 150 students per year.

Visit the Humanities program site for more information.


The Agriculture program at Virginia Tech is ideal for students interested in biological sciences. Majors include Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering, Agricultural Economics, Animal Science, Food Science, and Plant Science. The program accepts approximately 100 students per year.

Visit the Agriculture program site for more information.

Math, Science, and Technology

Lynchburg College hosts the Math, Science, and Technology program, provides students with the opportunity to explore topics in anatomy and physiology, astronomy, computer programming, geology, hydrology, hypermedia, physics, and upper-level mathematics. Approximately 160 students are accepted each year.

Visit the Math, Science, and Technology program site for more information.

Medicine and Health Sciences

At the Summer Residential Governor’s School for Medicine and Health Sciences in Roanoke, students will explore medicine and the health sciences as a foundation for integrated study. The Medical and Health Sciences SRGS program is suited for students with a serious interest in science, curiosity about the effects of science in the fields of medicine and health care, and motivation to spend a month in a rigorous, academically accelerated setting during the summer. The Governor’s School is a partnership between Radford University and the Blue Ridge Partnership for Health Sciences Careers.

Visit the Medicine and Health Sciences Website at Radford University.

Visual and Performing Arts

Students in the Visual and Performing Arts program study alongside Humanities Students at Radford University. Students may audition for the program to study in the art areas of instrumental music, vocal music, visual art, dance, or theater. The program accepts 250 students per year.

Students will have their opportunity to expand their artistic skills and technical knowledge of their art form. Students applying for Visual and Performing Arts must audition at a local PWCS audition to be considered for the state audition in January.

Visit the Visual and Performing Arts program site.

Marine Sciences

The Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences mentorship program is hosted by Christopher Newport University. Students investigate coastal law, fisheries, marine resources management, and wetlands ecology. The program accepts six students per year. Students should have prior experience studying marine sciences outside of school curriculum and should be able to demonstrate use of a research design such as the one required by the Virginia Junior Academy of Science or the International Science and Engineering competitions.

Visit the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences program site for more information.


The engineering mentorship program will be hosted at the Jefferson Lab particle accelerator. Students will work directly with a Jefferson Lab mentor in studying some of the following topics: accelerator operation, computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering, materials science and physics. The program accepts 12 students per year from across Virginia. Application is competitive and selection is made by mentors versus by scoring in the application process.

Visit the Jefferson Lab mentorship site.

The number of students accepted to each program are statewide. More information about the programs and the application process can be accessed through the links of the left of this page.


Please choose the application for your school and program of interest. GS@IP students apply through their base schools. If you are applying for an academic program or mentorship, you should complete the Early College Scholar's agreement (if you have not already done so) in order to earn maximum points in the "Course Challenge" score.

The arts applications will be sent to students who are nominated for the state auditions after the local auditions in November.

Applications must be typed. Signatures are required by the student on the first page and initials and signatures are required on the fourth page (third page for arts applications).

You will need to print the application and complete the required signatures with your parent. Please use the chart below to complete school contact information:

Point of contact at each PWCS high school for Summer Residential Governor’s School applications.
School Contact Email Phone Number
Battlefield High School Ben King [email protected] 571-261-4400
Brentsville District High School Helena Thorpe [email protected] 703-594-2161
Charles Colgan High School Jeff Lucier [email protected] 571-374-6550
Forest Park High School Lianne Vroustouris [email protected] 703-583-3200
Freedom High School Maili Jonas [email protected] 703-583-1405
Gainesville High School Rob Dulin [email protected] 571-248-3200
Gar-Field High School Della Gordon [email protected] 703-730-7000
Hylton High School Claudia Sattler [email protected] 703-580-4000
Osbourn Park High School Julie Rimkus [email protected] 703-365-6500
Patriot High School Adrienne Phillips [email protected] 703-594-3020
Potomac High School Marilyn McGrath [email protected] 703-441-4200
Unity Reed High School Nathan Craddock [email protected] 703-365-2900
Woodbridge High School Kait LaPlant [email protected] 703-497-8000