EL Professional Development

Supporting Continuity of Learning for Professional Educators

Professional Learning for educators of ELs is available through the Professional Learning Catalog. For the purpose of developing and strengthening instruction for teaching English Learners, staff members may log in, view and register for a variety of sessions. Additional assistance is provided by contacting Dr. Eileen Lockhart at [email protected].

If alternate professional development is chosen outside of the approved Schedules or Professional Learning Catalog, the Key EL Instructional Checklist is to be used. The Checklist is used to validate explicit strategies for English Learner instruction that are covered in the alternate professional learning and to determine points that meet required EL Professional Learning Plan (EPLP) criteria. The completed Key EL Instructional Checklist is to be approved by an administrator and sent to the Office of EL Programs and Services before EPLP points are awarded.

Contact your session facilitator or Eileen Lockhart, lockhaex@pwcs, if you have a question or would like additional information.

Teaching ELs with Sheltered Content Instruction

Ready to expand your knowledge through the comprehensive course Teaching English Learners with Sheltered Content Instruction? The Office of English Learner Programs and Services offers this course in a variety of formats.

Please see the chart below for detailed information.

Code & Session Number Location Days/Times Hours & Learning Method
EPLP 716*
Train-the-Trainer Session
Virtual through Canvas and Zoom Fall dates 2021-22 TBD 18 hours
*administrator approval required
*must attend all sessions
Course 33505
Teaching English Learners with Sheltered Content Instruction
GMU course credit - Tuition paid for by Office of EL Programs and Services
Virtual through Zoom and Blackboard 2021-22 dates TBD 45 hours for 45 EPLP Points
4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays plus virtual coursework in Blackboard through GMU
90 re-certification points via GMU graduate credits
Free Tuition
Course Three-part series
Teaching English Learners with Sheltered Content Hybrid Instruction
Virtual through Canvas and Zoom Course 33566 - Year 1 (completed for 2020-21 school year - dates for 2021-22 TBD)
Course 33726 - Year 2 - in session
Course 33588 - Year 3 - open for registration

Years 1, 2, and 3 are 15-20 hours each

Courses are required to be taken in consecutive order.

Please contact Christina Lo, Supervisor of EL Instruction, at [email protected] with any questions regarding these courses.