English Learner Programs for K-12 Students
PWCS provides a program of language instruction at each K-12 school in supportive settings so that English learners (ELs) attain proficiency in English and meet the same challenging academic content and student achievement standards as other students. Components of instruction include:
- Academic language instruction to students at English Language Proficiency (ELP) levels 1-5 for success in language arts, math, social studies, and science;
- Delivery styles to maximize service opportunities: Co-taught, push-in, pull-out, inclusion, and EL-only class; and
- Support from ESL-certified teachers and content teachers knowledgeable in techniques which support English language development (ELD).
The Student Opportunity and Multilingual Programs Department offers EL parent outreach to inform parents on supporting students for academic, personal, social, and career development purposes, including ESL classes in collaboration with Adult Education. For more information about K-12 parent outreach, please call 571-402-3800. For more information on Adult Education, please visit their Adult Education webpage.