Events Involving Filming

A camera used for filming video with a man and woman whose faces are obscured standing behind the equipment

Requests to film video within school facilities or on school grounds, including times when students and staff do not occupy the building, must be submitted to Security and Crisis Readiness, which will in turn forward the inquiry to Communications for review and approval. This is mandatory and no exceptions will be made.

While requests are typically authorized within 5-10 business days, information pertaining to filming on school property should be submitted at least 30 days in advance to allow staff time to review the request, and obtain additional details, if necessary. All inquiries related to filming may be emailed directly to [email protected] or [email protected] 

Those filming may not include any information that would identify the school, which includes, but is not limited to: insignia, logos, and text. This applies to both indoor and outdoor filming.

Renters must be prepared to provide answers to the following initial inquiries in relation to the filming:

Who will be filming?
Will the organization do so or will the services of a third party be acquired by the organization? If hiring a third party, what is the name of the filming company and are they insured?
What props, if any, will be used?
Please note that per Regulations 735-1, Prohibited Substances, and 775-1, Weapons and Other Prohibited Objects, props resembling weapons and drugs are NOT permitted on school property. Requests of this nature will automatically be denied.
Will PWCS students be involved in the filming?
If yes, PWCS will require additional information, review, and waivers are mandatory. Only inquiries from news organizations and filming as it relates to education will be considered. All students participating in filming conducted by non-news organizations must have in place a signed parent opt-in with a legal review of the agreement.
Will it be a scripted event?
Communications may require a copy of the script for only those scenes to be filmed on school property. If the filming involves a different activity, such as a music video, a copy of the song lyrics may be requested. For documentaries, which typically have no script, Communications may require additional details regarding the subject matter.