Required Documentation
PWCS requires all renters to provide evidence of general liability insurance and nonprofit status (if applicable) to Security and Crisis Readiness. A copy of the IRS "Letter of Determination," or any other government-issued document, which displays that the organization is a nonprofit in the Commonwealth of Virginia is required to qualify for the reduced rates.
Depending upon the type of activity, expected attendance, equipment such as tents, or food trucks, etc., the organizer may be responsible for providing additional documentation to Security or Crisis Readiness or filing paperwork with government agencies separate from PWCS.
General Liability Insurance
All organizations are required to provide evidence of general liability insurance before any activity takes place. The following stipulations must be met:
- Policy must be a minimum of $1,000,000 in liability insurance coverage for all activities.
- The policy should name the certificate holder as Security and Crisis Readiness, Prince William County Public Schools, PO Box 389, Manassas, VA 20108, and list either the school location of use or Prince William County Public Schools in general as the additional insured.
- A "Declaration of Coverage," insurance binder, quote, receipt of purchase, "Summary of Coverage" or similar documents will not be accepted as evidence of coverage.
- The "Name Insured" must match the name of the organization renting the facility.
- Insurance must be submitted to Security and Crisis Readiness no later than two weeks before the event date. Certificates in PDF format or other electronic documents may be emailed to [email protected] or [email protected]. These documents may also be faxed to 703-791-7404 (no cover sheet required), if preferred.
Please note that if PWCS receives notification of a lapse in insurance coverage while using school property, it may cause an event to be canceled with little to no notice.
If you are unsure where to obtain general liability insurance coverage for your event, please consider purchasing through Intact Entertainment Insurance Program (PDF) (formerly known as TULIP).
If you need to cancel a policy purchased through Intact Entertainment, please go to the GatherGuard Refunds & Cancellations webpage.
Also on the FAQs Page: Where can I obtain insurance?
Evidence of Nonprofit Status
All seeking to rent the facilities at reduced rates must show evidence of nonprofit status. This is typically in the form of the IRS "Letter of Determination." If this documentation is not received before the activity takes place, the organization will be assessed at the highest fee tier.
Evidence of nonprofit status may be submitted to Security and Crisis Readiness at any time, but it must be received before the event date. A PDF or other electronic documents may be emailed to [email protected] or [email protected], or faxed to 703-791-7404 (no cover sheet required), if preferred.
Also on the FAQs webpage: What if I have recently filed for nonprofit status, but do not have official recognition from the IRS to date?
Motion Picture Umbrella License
If your event will involve the public showing of copyrighted works, such as a movie, an umbrella license must be obtained from the Motion Picture Licensing Corporation. The application may be completed directly from the MPLC brochure or from their Contact Us webpage.
Your insurance may already cover the public showing of copyrighted works. If this applies, you will not need to file for a license. Please verify with your current insurer if this is the case.
FAA Operators License (Drone Use Only)
For renters seeking to operate a drone during a community use event, PWCS may request that they provide a copy of the license acquired to legally operate a drone for commercial purposes. This documentation is obtained from the FAA and interested users are encouraged to research the requirements as outlined on the FAA's website regarding Small UA S Rule (Part 107).
Also See Page: Operating A Drone
Temporary Activity Permit (TAP) Form
Some activities taking place in PWCS facilities or on school grounds may require the renter to complete and file a Temporary Activity Permit (TAP) form with the Prince William County (PWC) Zoning Office. While these types of events are rare, activities likely to require this form include, but are not limited to:
- Events that will draw large crowds and/or there is the potential to reach or exceed the max capacity of the facility/area of use;
- Outdoor events such as car shows, concerts, and rallies;
- Craft and vendor fairs/shows;
- Events that will employ equipment such as generators, portable stages, LED screens, and/or tents;
- Carnivals or other activities which will have amusements, rides, and inflatables;
- Events that will have more than four food trucks (also see: Grilling, Food Trucks, and Kitchen Facilities); and
- Using the property in a manner for which it was not intended (e.g., setting up tables and chairs in a parking lot or gymnasium for a craft fair).
If the activity in question requires a TAP, Security and Crisis Readiness will advise the user and supply the necessary form along with instructions for its completion.
Please be aware that this is a PWC Government requirement. All applications and fees are the responsibility of the renter and must be remitted to the PWC Zoning Office.
For additional details regarding the Temporary Activity Permit, please visit the PWC Zoning Administration's Temporary Activity Permit (TAP) webpage.
Should you have additional inquiries related to the required documents, please email [email protected] or [email protected]